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如何在两个标记之间提取 substring?

[英]How to extract the substring between two markers?

Let's say I have a string 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk' and I want to extract just the '1234' part.假设我有一个字符串'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk' ,我只想提取'1234'部分。

I only know what will be the few characters directly before AAA , and after ZZZ the part I am interested in 1234 .我只知道直接在AAA之前的几个字符是什么,在ZZZ之后我对1234感兴趣。

With sed it is possible to do something like this with a string:使用sed可以使用字符串执行以下操作:

echo "$STRING" | sed -e "s|.*AAA\(.*\)ZZZ.*|\1|"

And this will give me 1234 as a result.结果,这将给我1234

How to do the same thing in Python?如何在 Python 中做同样的事情?

Using regular expressions - documentation for further reference使用正则表达式 -文档供进一步参考

import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

m = re.search('AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text)
if m:
    found = m.group(1)

# found: 1234


import re

text = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'

    found = re.search('AAA(.+?)ZZZ', text).group(1)
except AttributeError:
    # AAA, ZZZ not found in the original string
    found = '' # apply your error handling

# found: 1234
>>> s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> start = s.find('AAA') + 3
>>> end = s.find('ZZZ', start)
>>> s[start:end]

regular expression正则表达式<\/h3>
import re re.search(r"(?<=AAA).*?(?=ZZZ)", your_text).group(0)<\/code><\/pre>

The above as-is will fail with an AttributeError<\/code> if there are no "AAA" and "ZZZ" in your_text<\/code>如果your_text<\/code>中没有“AAA”和“ZZZ”,上述原样将失败并出现AttributeError<\/code>

string methods字符串方法<\/h3>

The above will return an empty string if either "AAA" or "ZZZ" don't exist in your_text<\/code> .如果your_text<\/code>中不存在“AAA”或“ZZZ”,则上述内容将返回一个空字符串。

PS Python Challenge? PS Python 挑战?


Surprised that nobody has mentioned this which is my quick version for one-off scripts:很惊讶没有人提到这是我的一次性脚本的快速版本:

>>> x = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> x.split('AAA')[1].split('ZZZ')[0]

you can do using just one line of code你可以只使用一行代码

>>> import re

>>> re.findall(r'\d{1,5}','gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk')

>>> ['1234']
import re
print re.search('AAA(.*?)ZZZ', 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk').group(1)

You can use re module for that:您可以为此使用re模块:

>>> import re
>>> re.compile(".*AAA(.*)ZZZ.*").match("gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk").groups()

In python, extracting substring form string can be done using findall method in regular expression ( re ) module.在 python 中,可以使用正则表达式 ( re ) 模块中的findall方法来提取子字符串形式的字符串。

>>> import re
>>> s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
>>> ss = re.findall('AAA(.+)ZZZ', s)
>>> print ss

With sed it is possible to do something like this with a string:使用 sed 可以用字符串做这样的事情:

echo "$STRING" | sed -e "s|.*AAA\\(.*\\)ZZZ.*|\\1|"

And this will give me 1234 as a result.结果,这将给我 1234。

You could do the same with re.sub function using the same regex.您可以使用相同的正则表达式对re.sub函数执行相同的操作。

>>> re.sub(r'.*AAA(.*)ZZZ.*', r'\1', 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk')

In basic sed, capturing group are represented by \\(..\\) , but in python it was represented by (..) .在基本 sed 中,捕获组由\\(..\\)表示,但在 python 中,它由(..)表示。

text = 'I want to find a string between two substrings'
left = 'find a '
right = 'between two'

>>> s = '/tmp/10508.constantstring'
>>> s.split('/tmp/')[1].split('constantstring')[0].strip('.')

You can find first substring with this function in your code (by character index).您可以在代码中使用此函数找到第一个子字符串(按字符索引)。 Also, you can find what is after a substring.此外,您可以找到子字符串之后的内容。

def FindSubString(strText, strSubString, Offset=None):
        Start = strText.find(strSubString)
        if Start == -1:
            return -1 # Not Found
            if Offset == None:
                Result = strText[Start+len(strSubString):]
            elif Offset == 0:
                return Start
                AfterSubString = Start+len(strSubString)
                Result = strText[AfterSubString:AfterSubString + int(Offset)]
            return Result
        return -1

# Example:

Text = "Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!"
subText = "to"

print("Start of first substring in a text:")
start = FindSubString(Text, subText, 0)
print(start); print("")

print("Exact substring in a text:")
print(Text[start:start+len(subText)]); print("")

print("What is after substring \"%s\"?" %(subText))
print(FindSubString(Text, subText))

# Your answer:

Text = "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk"
subText1 = "AAA"
subText2 = "ZZZ"

AfterText1 = FindSubString(Text, subText1, 0) + len(subText1)
BeforText2 = FindSubString(Text, subText2, 0) 

print("\nYour answer:\n%s" %(Text[AfterText1:BeforText2]))

Just in case somebody will have to do the same thing that I did.以防万一有人不得不做和我一样的事情。 I had to extract everything inside parenthesis in a line.我必须在一行中提取括号内的所有内容。 For example, if I have a line like 'US president (Barack Obama) met with ...' and I want to get only 'Barack Obama' this is solution:例如,如果我有一个像“美国总统(巴拉克奥巴马)会见......”这样的台词,而我只想得到“巴拉克奥巴马”,这就是解决方案:

regex = '.*\((.*?)\).*'
matches = re.search(regex, line)
line = matches.group(1) + '\n'

Ie you need to block parenthesis with slash \\ sign.即你需要用slash \\符号来阻止括号。 Though it is a problem about more regular expressions that Python.虽然这是一个关于 Python 更多正则表达式的问题。

Also, in some cases you may see 'r' symbols before regex definition.此外,在某些情况下,您可能会在正则表达式定义之前看到“r”符号。 If there is no r prefix, you need to use escape characters like in C. Here is more discussion on that.如果没有 r 前缀,则需要像 C 中那样使用转义字符。 这里有更多讨论。

Using PyParsing使用 PyParsing

import pyparsing as pp

word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums)

s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
rule = pp.nestedExpr('AAA', 'ZZZ')
for match in rule.searchString(s):

which yields:产生:


一个带有 Python 3.8 的班轮:


Here's a solution without regex that also accounts for scenarios where the first substring contains the second substring.这是一个没有正则表达式的解决方案,它还考虑了第一个子字符串包含第二个子字符串的情况。 This function will only find a substring if the second marker is after the first marker.如果第二个标记在第一个标记之后,此函数只会查找子字符串。

def find_substring(string, start, end):
    len_until_end_of_first_match = string.find(start) + len(start)
    after_start = string[len_until_end_of_first_match:]
    return string[string.find(start) + len(start):len_until_end_of_first_match + after_start.find(end)]

Another way of doing it is using lists (supposing the substring you are looking for is made of numbers, only) :另一种方法是使用列表(假设您要查找的子字符串仅由数字组成):

string = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
numbersList = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
output = []

for char in string:
    if char in numbersList: output.append(char)

print(f"output: {''.join(output)}")
### output: 1234

Typescript.打字稿。 Gets string in between two other strings.获取其他两个字符串之间的字符串。


Searches shortest string between prefixes and postfixes搜索前缀和后缀之间的最短字符串

prefixes - string \/ array of strings \/ null (means search from the start). prefixes - 字符串\/字符串数组\/null(表示从头开始搜索)。

postfixes - string \/ array of strings \/ null (means search until the end).后缀 - 字符串\/字符串数组\/空(表示搜索到最后)。

 public getStringInBetween(str: string, prefixes: string | string[] | null, postfixes: string | string[] | null): string { if (typeof prefixes === 'string') { prefixes = [prefixes]; } if (typeof postfixes === 'string') { postfixes = [postfixes]; } if (!str || str.length < 1) { throw new Error(str + ' should contain ' + prefixes); } let start = prefixes === null ? { pos: 0, sub: '' } : this.indexOf(str, prefixes); const end = postfixes === null ? { pos: str.length, sub: '' } : this.indexOf(str, postfixes, start.pos + start.sub.length); let value = str.substring(start.pos + start.sub.length, end.pos); if (!value || value.length < 1) { throw new Error(str + ' should contain string in between ' + prefixes + ' and ' + postfixes); } while (true) { try { start = this.indexOf(value, prefixes); } catch (e) { break; } value = value.substring(start.pos + start.sub.length); if (!value || value.length < 1) { throw new Error(str + ' should contain string in between ' + prefixes + ' and ' + postfixes); } } return value; }<\/code><\/pre>"

also, you can find all combinations in the bellow function此外,您可以在波纹管功能中找到所有组合

s = 'Part 1. Part 2. Part 3 then more text'
def find_all_places(text,word):
    word_places = []
    while True:
        word_place = text.find(word,i)
        if i>=len(text):
        if word_place<0:
    return word_places
def find_all_combination(text,start,end):
    start_places = find_all_places(text,start)
    end_places = find_all_places(text,end)
    combination_list = []
    for start_place in start_places:
        for end_place in end_places:
            if start_place>=end_place:
    return combination_list


['Part 1. ', 'Part 1. Part 2. ', 'Part 2. ']

In case you want to look for multiple occurences.如果您想查找多次出现的情况。

content ="Prefix_helloworld_Suffix_stuff_Prefix_42_Suffix_andsoon"
strings = []
for c in content.split('Prefix_'):
    spos = c.find('_Suffix')
    if spos!=-1:
        strings.append( c[:spos])
print( strings )

Or more quickly:或者更快:

strings = [ c[:c.find('_Suffix')] for c in content.split('Prefix_') if c.find('_Suffix')!=-1 ]

One liners that return other string if there was no match.如果没有匹配,则返回其他字符串的一个衬里。 Edit: improved version uses next function, replace "not-found" with something else if needed:编辑:改进版本使用next功能,如果需要,将"not-found"替换为其他内容:

import re
res = next( (m.group(1) for m in [re.search("AAA(.*?)ZZZ", "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk" ),] if m), "not-found" )

My other method to do this, less optimal, uses regex 2nd time, still didn't found a shorter way:我这样做的另一种方法,不太理想,第二次使用正则表达式,仍然没有找到更短的方法:

import re
res = ( ( re.search("AAA(.*?)ZZZ", "gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk") or re.search("()","") ).group(1) )

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