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[英]Clear all controls in a ASP.NET page with a Master page

I have a asp.net page which is inherited from a master page .I want to clear all controls in this page .I tried using the bellow method .This is not working if a master page is there. 我有一个asp.net页面继承自母版页。我想清除此页面中的所有控件。我尝试使用bellow方法。如果有母版页,这是行不通的。 Otherwise its working fine any ideas? 否则它的工作正常吗?

private void ClearControls()
    foreach(Control c in Page.Controls)
        foreach (Control ctrl in c.Controls)
            if (ctrl is TextBox)
                ((TextBox)ctrl).Text = string.Empty;

try this: 尝试这个:

public void FindAllTextBox(Control ctrl)
    if (ctrl != null)
        foreach (Control c in ctrl.Controls)
            if (c is TextBox)
                ((TextBox)c).Text = string.empty;

Ex.: 例:

Control ctrl = this.FindControl("content");

You should be able to do this with Page.Form.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").Controls : 您应该可以使用Page.Form.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").Controls执行此操作Page.Form.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").Controls

foreach (Control item in Page.Form.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").Controls)
    if (item is TextBox)
        ((TextBox)item).Text = string.Empty;

This is probably because of your controls are inside of another container when you add a master page. 这可能是因为当您添加母版页时,您的控件位于另一个容器内。 Have you tried adding another foreach before if? 你之前尝试过添加另一个foreach吗?

private void ClearControls()
    foreach(Control container in Page.Controls) 
        foreach (Control c in container.Controls)  
            foreach (Control ctrl in c.Controls)  
                if (ctrl is TextBox)        
                    ((TextBox)ctrl).Text = string.Empty; 

I wouldn't do it this way though. 我不会这样做。 Sometimes hardcoding is better. 有时硬编码更好。 This would use a lot of resource when called on a page that contains lots of controls. 在包含大量控件的页面上调用时,这将使用大量资源。

Don't hard code: 不要硬编码:

//Recursively get all the formControls underneath the current one, be it Page, UserControl or whatever.
public static IEnumerable<Control> GetAllControls(this Control parent)  
    foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)  
        yield return control;  
        foreach (Control descendant in control.GetAllControls())  
            yield return descendant;  

Then you can call it in your webform / control: 然后你可以在webform / control中调用它:

var formCtls = this.GetAllControls().OfType<TextBox>();
foreach(TextBox txtbx in formCtls)
    //do what you gotta do ;)


Make a method on your .cs like this: 像这样在.cs上创建一个方法:

 //Where "this" is Page.

 private void ClearInput(Control parent)
     foreach (Control c in parent.Controls)
          if (c.Controls.Count > 0)
               if (c is TextBox)
                  (c as TextBox).Text = "";

               if (c is CheckBox)
                  (c as CheckBox).Checked = false;

                if (c is DropDownList)
                   (c as DropDownList).SelectedIndex = 1;
        private void EnableControls(Control control)
            var textbox = control as TextBox;
            if (textbox != null)
                textbox.Enabled = true;

            var dropDownList = control as DropDownList;
            if (dropDownList != null)
                dropDownList.Enabled = true;

            var radioButton = control as RadioButton;
            if (radioButton != null)
                radioButton.Enabled = true;

            var checkBox = control as CheckBox;
            if (checkBox != null)
                checkBox.Enabled = true;

            foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls)

    public void getAllCtl(ControlCollection ctls)

        foreach (Control c in ctls)
            if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox)
                //TextBox tt = c as TextBox;
                ////to do something by using textBox tt.
                ((TextBox)c).Text = string.Empty;
            if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox)
                ((CheckBox)c).Checked = false;
            if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList)
                ((DropDownList)c).SelectedIndex = -1;
            if (c.HasControls())



calling in aspx.cs file as 在aspx.cs文件中调用as


This is OK and tested work for all Master-child page and where ever multiple controls are contains in the page... 这是可以测试的,适用于所有Master-child页面以及页面中包含多个控件的位置......

First, use operator as instead of is and cast : 首先,利用运营商as代替iscast

TextBox tb = ctrl as TextBox;
if (tb != null)
    tb.Text = String.Empty;

Second, you can use ITextControl instead of TextBox . 其次,您可以使用ITextControl而不是TextBox

And third, try next extension method: 第三,尝试下一个扩展方法:

public static IEnumerable<T> GetChildControls(this Control control) where T : Control
    var children = (control.Controls != null) ? control.Controls.OfType<T>() : Enumerable.Empty<T>();
    return children.SelectMany(c => GetChildControls(c)).Concat(children);

Usage: 用法:

foreach (var c in this.Page.Controls.GetChildControls<TextBox>())
    c.Text = String.Empty;

I had the same problem but I think I was making it too hard. 我有同样的问题,但我认为我太难了。 I'm using an AJAX UpdatePanel control and I just referenced that instead of going all the way up to the MasterPage. 我正在使用AJAX UpdatePanel控件,我刚刚引用它而不是一直到MasterPage。 This worked for me. 这对我有用。

        foreach (Control c in UpdatePanel1.Controls)
            foreach (Control c1 in c.Controls)
                if (c1 is TextBox)
                    TextBox txtBox = (TextBox)c1;
                    txtBox.Text = "0";

Just keep the controls in Panel, and try the code below 只需将控件保留在Panel中,然后尝试下面的代码

foreach (Control cntrl in pnl.Controls)//pnl is panel id  
                    if (cntrl is TextBox)  
                        TextBox txtBox = (TextBox)cntrl;  
                        txtBox.Text = " ";  

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