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[英]How can I display multiple images in a loop in a WP7 app?

In my (Silverlight) weather app I am downloading up to 6 seperate weather radar images (each one taken about 20 mins apart) from a web site and what I need to do is display each image for a second then at the end of the loop, pause 2 seconds then start the loop again. 在我的(Silverlight)天气应用程序中,我从网站上下载了多达6张单独的天气雷达图像(每张图像相距约20分钟),我需要做的是将每个图像显示一秒钟,然后在循环结束时显示,请暂停2秒钟,然后再次开始循环。 (This means the loop of images will play until the user clicks the back or home button which is what I want.) (这意味着将一直播放图像循环,直到用户单击我想要的后退或主页按钮为止。)

So, I have a RadarImage class as follows, and each image is getting downloaded (via WebClient) and then loaded into a instance of RadarImage which is then added to a collection (ie: List<RadarImage> )... 因此,我有一个RadarImage类,如下所示,每个图像都通过WebClient下载(然后通过WebClient下载),然后加载到RadarImage实例中,然后将其添加到集合中(即List<RadarImage> )...

//Following code is in my radar.xaml.cs to download the images....
int  imagesToDownload = 6;
int imagesDownloaded = 0;
RadarImage rdr    = new RadarImage(<image url>);    //this happens in a loop of image URLs
rdr.FileCompleteEvent += ImageDownloadedEventHandler;

//This code in a class library.
public class RadarImage
    public int ImageIndex;
    public string ImageURL;
    public DateTime ImageTime;
    public Boolean Downloaded;
    public BitmapImage Bitmap;

    private WebClient client;

    public delegate void FileCompleteHandler(object sender);
    public event FileCompleteHandler FileCompleteEvent; 

    public RadarImage(int index, string imageURL)
        this.ImageIndex = index;
        this.ImageURL = imageURL;

        //...other code here to load in datetime properties etc...

        client = new WebClient();
        client.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(wc_OpenReadCompleted);
        client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(this.ImageURL, UriKind.Absolute));

    private void wc_OpenReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Error == null)
            StreamResourceInfo sri = new StreamResourceInfo(e.Result as Stream, null);
            this.Bitmap = new BitmapImage();
            this.Downloaded = true;
            FileCompleteEvent(this);         //Fire the event to let the app page know to add it to it's List<RadarImage> collection

As you can see, in the class above I have exposed an event handler to let my app page know when each image has downloaded. 如您所见,在上面的类中,我公开了一个事件处理程序,以让我的应用页面知道何时下载了每个图像。 When they have all downloaded I then run the following code in my xaml page - but only the last image ever shows up and I can't work out why! 他们都下载完后,然后在我的xaml页面中运行以下代码-但只有最后一张图片显示出来,我不知道为什么!

    private void ImageDownloadedEventHandler(object sender)
        if (imagesDownloaded == imagesToDownload)
            AllImagesDownloaded = true;


    private void DisplayRadarImages()

        foreach (RadarImage img in radarImages)
            imgRadar.Source = img.Bitmap;

        TimerSingleton.Timer.Start();   //Tick poroperty is set to 2000 milliseconds

    private void SingleTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

So you can see that I have a static instance of a timer class which is stopped (if running), then the loop should show each image for a second. 因此,您可以看到我有一个计时器类的静态实例,该实例已停止(如果正在运行),则循环应显示每个图像一秒钟。 When all 6 have been displayed then it pauses, the timer starts and after two seconds DisplayRadarImages() gets called again. 当所有6个都显示完后,它将暂停,计时器启动,两秒钟后再次调用DisplayRadarImages()。

But as I said before, I can only ever get the last image to show for some reason and I can't seem to get this working properly. 但是正如我之前所说,由于某种原因,我只能显示最后一张图像,而且似乎无法正常工作。

I'm fairly new to WP7 development (though not to .Net) so just wondering how best to do this - I was thinking of trying this with a web browser control but surely there must be a more elegant way to loop through a bunch of images! 我是WP7开发的新手(虽然不是.Net),所以只是想知道如何做到最好-我正在考虑通过Web浏览器控件尝试此操作,但是肯定有一种更优雅的方法可以遍历一堆图片!

Sorry this is so long but any help or suggestions would be really appreciated. 抱歉,这么长,但是任何帮助或建议都将不胜感激。

Mike 麦克风

You can use a background thread with either a Timer or Sleep to periodically update your image control. 您可以将后台线程与Timer或Sleep一起使用,以定期更新图像控件。

Phạm Tiểu Giao - Threads in WP7 PhạmTiểuGiao-WP7中的线程

You'll need to dispatch updates to the UI with 您需要使用以下命令向UI分发更新

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( () => { /*  your UI code */ } );


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