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[英]Working with PHP_SELF

Apologies for the bad title. 不好意思,我们深表歉意。 I need a class to be added to an A tag depending on if the user is on respective page. 我需要根据用户是否在相应页面上将类添加到A标签。 So to clarify, here is the code: 所以要澄清,这是代码:

 $basename = substr(strtolower(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])),0,strlen(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))-4);

And then I use this code in the menu: 然后在菜单中使用以下代码:

<li><a href="index.php"<?php if ($basename == 'index') { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>>Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about.php"<?php if ($basename == 'about') { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>>About</a></li>

As you can see, depending on if the user is on index.php or about.php, the class=current will be inserted. 如您所见,取决于用户是使用index.php还是about.php,将插入class = current。 This works fine normally, but I am using this code in Wordpress where all the pages are this type of URL: index.php?page_id=X 正常工作正常,但是我在Wordpress中使用以下代码,其中所有页面都是这种URL:index.php?page_id = X

So the about page URL is index.php?page_id=9, meaning that it will always input the class into the index one. 因此,关于页面的URL是index.php?page_id = 9,这意味着它将始终将类输入索引1。 Only solutions that I know of is that the $basename == 'index' can in anyway be full URL, eg $basename == 'index.php?page_id=X' but I couldnt make that work. 我所知道的唯一解决方案是$basename == 'index'无论如何都可以是完整的URL,例如$basename == 'index.php?page_id=X'但我无法做到这一点。

Help! 救命! Note that I am not experienced with PHP so any replies with detail would be appreciated! 请注意,我对PHP没有经验,所以任何详细的答复都将不胜感激!

the current file: __FILE__ 当前文件: __FILE__

the current folder of your file dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR // in 5.3: __DIR__ 文件dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR // in 5.3: __DIR__的当前文件夹dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR // in 5.3: __DIR__

$page = $_GET[page_id]; 

我相信如果网址是?page_id = 9,这将返回例如9

Considering you're using Wordpress, I'd suggest that you make a variable towards the top of your page that determines that page's current location. 考虑到您使用的是Wordpress,建议您在页面顶部进行一个变量,以确定该页面的当前位置。

$path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

$current = strtolower($path_parts['filename']);

Then take that variable and set it in the <a></a> , as such: 然后使用该变量并将其设置在<a></a> ,如下所示:

<a <?php if($current == 'about') echo 'class="current"'; ?> href="#">About</a>

Or something like this, it's a start anyway. 或类似的东西,这还是一个开始。

additional information: http://php.net/manual/en/function.pathinfo.php 附加信息: http : //php.net/manual/en/function.pathinfo.php

function GetFileName()
    $currentFile = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
    $parts = Explode('.', $currentFile);
    return $parts[0];
$basename = GetFileName();

    <a href="index.php" <?php if($basename =="index") echo "class='current'"; ?>>Home</a>
    <a href="about.php" <?php if($basename =="about") echo "class='current'"; ?>>About</a>

> >

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