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[英]How do I add an OR function to a PHP code?

Firstly, dont laugh, I know it is basic. 首先,别笑,我知道这很基本。

I have this code: if ($pageid == '9') { echo... and I want to add an OR to it, so I tried: if ($pageid == '9' or '5') { echo... but it didnt work. 我有这段代码: if ($pageid == '9') { echo... ,我想为其添加一个OR,所以我尝试了: if ($pageid == '9' or '5') { echo...但是没用。 How do I add an OR function to this? 如何为此添加OR函数?

if ($pageid == '9' || $pageid == '5') { echo...

Note that if you have a large number of pageids to check for some reason, you can utilize arrays: 请注意,如果出于某些原因要检查大量的pageid,则可以利用数组:

if(in_array($pageid, array(9, 5, 3, 12, 5)) { echo ...

or works instead of || or代替||起作用 also but || || is more commonly used. 更常用。

Just to mention another approach that makes use of PHP's in_array - it's quite handy if you've a few values you want to treat as a cluster that don't justify a switch but would be painfully verbose to use a traditional or for. 只需提及另一种利用PHP的in_array的方法 -如果您想将一些值视为一个群集,这些值不能证明切换的合理性,但使用传统的或冗长的名称将非常麻烦 ,这非常方便。

if(in_array($pageID, array(1, 2, 3))) {
   // Do exciting things...
if ($pageid == '9' || $pageid == '5')

this should work too. 这也应该工作。 i am not sure why this won't work in your case 我不确定为什么这在您的情况下不起作用

if($pageid == "9" OR $pageid == "5"){
 echo "pageid ".$pageid;

for more information see this http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.logical.php 有关更多信息,请参见http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.ologic.php

switch ($pageid) {
    case '5':
    case '9':
        echo "...";
        // Do something useful

This is useful, if you have more than one cases, because it prevents you from ugly "elseif"-chains. 如果您有不止一种情况,这很有用,因为它可以防止您使用难看的“ elseif”链。 Also if you have one case with many different values its more readable and its easy to add additional values. 同样,如果您有一个具有许多不同值的案例,那么它的可读性就更高,并且易于添加其他值。 You just need to add a new case 'xy': line. 您只需要添加新的case 'xy':行。

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