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[英]NSIS - rebuilding the installer exe file

Suppose I have created an installation exe using NSIS. 假设我已经使用NSIS创建了一个安装exe。 The exe is a compressed (7zip maybe) file that contains everything to install the application on a fresh machine, and that comprises big exe files (like .NET runtimes, mysql server installer, etc.). exe是一个压缩文件(可能是7zip),其中包含将应用程序安装在新计算机上的所有内容,并且包含大型exe文件(如.NET运行时,mysql服务器安装程序等)。 I have to send via the Internet the big exe file to another person. 我必须通过Internet将大exe文件发送给另一个人。

To save time and bandwidth, I'd like to remove the contained big files; 为了节省时间和带宽,我想删除其中包含的大文件。 I can do that using 7zip to open and extract all the files in the original exe, delete the big ones, rezip using again 7zip. 我可以使用7zip打开并提取原始exe中的所有文件,删除较大的文件,然后再次使用7zip重新压缩。 This works up now. 现在可以了。

The other party will download the reduced zipped file, but then has to reintroduce the big files in some way, recreating the exe installer. 另一方将下载压缩后的压缩文件,但随后必须以某种方式重新引入大文件,从而重新创建exe安装程序。

I don't know how to achieve that. 我不知道该怎么实现。 I've tried with paquet builder with no success. 我尝试过与拼板制作工具一起使用,但没有成功。 Is that possible? 那可能吗?

I don't think it's possible. 我认为这是不可能的。 But I think I have another solution for you. 但是我想我还有另一种解决方案。 Why don't you simply execute separate executables (like .NET runtime etc) from NSIS bundle? 为什么不简单地从NSIS包中执行单独的可执行文件(如.NET运行时等)? This way you don't need to include them into resulting bundle. 这样,您无需将它们包括在结果包中。 Just tell the user to download them and put the into proper place. 只需告诉用户下载它们并将其放置在适当的位置即可。 It would be easier than instructing them to assemble bundle from pieces, no? 比指示他们组装成块的捆绑软件容易,不是吗?

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