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[英]Results from a select passed to an insert in a Stored Proc

I'm trying to make a SP that will find the ArticleType (pkey I forgot to put ID on it) from another table based on the ArticleTypeName supplied and use that to insert into the new category in the categories table. 我正在尝试制作一个SP,该SP将根据提供的ArticleTypeName从另一个表中找到ArticleType(我忘记在上面放ID的pkey),并将其用于插入Categories表中的新类别中。 Finally the new row's ID is sent back in an output param. 最后,新行的ID在输出参数中发送回。 I thought everything was correct but I keep getting an error stating that the syntax is incorrect around 'Insert'. 我以为一切都正确,但是我不断收到错误消息,指出“插入”周围的语法不正确。 I'm sure I'm missing something really simple! 我确定我缺少一些非常简单的东西!

        @ParentCatID int,
        @CategoryName varchar(25),
        @ArticleTypeName varchar(15),
        @NewCategoryID int OUTPUT

    DECLARE @ArticleType int

    SELECT @ArticleType=ArticleType
    FROM (
        SELECT TOP 1 ArticleType FROM ArticleTypes
        WHERE (ArticleTypeName=@ArticleTypeName))

    INSERT INTO Categories (ParentCatID, CategoryName, ArticleType) VALUES (@ParentCatID, @CategoryName, @ArticleType)

    SET @NewCategoryID = Scope_Identity()

A subquery requires an alias. 子查询需要别名。 For example, this will give an error: 例如,这将产生错误:

select * from (select id from MyTable)

But this will work: 但这将起作用:

select * from (select id from MyTable) as SubQueryAlias

So in your case, add the alias at this point: 因此,在您的情况下,请在此时添加别名:

        SELECT TOP 1 ArticleType FROM ArticleTypes
        WHERE (ArticleTypeName=@ArticleTypeName)) as SubQueryName;


SELECT @NewCategoryID = Scope_Identity()

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