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[英]fwrite, fread - problems with fread

I have following code: 我有以下代码:

int main()
    char* pedal[20];
    char* pedal2[20];
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        pedal[i] = "Pedal";
    FILE* plik;
    plik = fopen("teraz.txt","wb");
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    plik = fopen("teraz.txt","rb");
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        fread(pedal2[i],5,1,plik); //I know for now that every element has 5 bytes
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        std::cout << pedal2[i] << std::endl;
    return 0;

It's crashing at reading and second question let's assume that I have structure where I keep like integers, floats and also char* array and how can I easly write whole structure to the file? 阅读时崩溃,第二个问题,让我们假设我拥有像整数,浮点数和char *数组一样保留的结构,如何将整个结构轻松地写入文件? Normal fwrite with sizeof structure is not working 具有sizeof结构的正常fwrite无法正常工作

Your problem that you didn't allocate buffer for reading. 您没有分配读取缓冲区的问题。 In fact line 实际上行


reads to unknown place. 读取到未知的地方。 You need allocate memory (in your case it is 5 + 1 bytes for zero terminated string). 您需要分配内存(在您的情况下,零终止字符串为5 + 1字节)。

pedal2[i] = malloc(5+1);

Don't forget to release it after usage. 使用后不要忘记释放它。

You can't read into pedal2 without first having allocated space for it. 在没有为pedal2分配空间之前,您无法阅读它。

You need something like this: 您需要这样的东西:

for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
    pedal[i] = malloc(100); //allocate some space

Your first question seem to have already been answered by Simone & Dewfy. 您的第一个问题似乎已由Simone&Dewfy回答。

For your second question about how to write structure values into the file, you will have to write member by member. 关于如何将结构值写入文件的第二个问题,您将必须逐成员写入。

Please check fprintf . 请检查fprintf You can probably use it for writing different data types. 您可能可以使用它来编写不同的数据类型。

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