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我无法安装 python-ldap

[英]I can't install python-ldap

When I run the following command:当我运行以下命令时:

sudo pip install python-ldap

I get this error:我收到此错误:

In file included from Modules/LDAPObject.c:9:在 Modules/LDAPObject.c:9 中包含的文件中:

Modules/errors.h:8: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory Modules/errors.h:8: 致命错误: lber.h: 没有这样的文件或目录

Any ideas how to fix this?任何想法如何解决这一问题?

The python-ldap is based on OpenLDAP, so you need to have the development files (headers) in order to compile the Python module. python-ldap基于 OpenLDAP,因此您需要拥有开发文件(头文件)才能编译 Python 模块。 If you're on Ubuntu, the package is called libldap2-dev .如果您使用的是 Ubuntu,则该软件包称为libldap2-dev

Debian/Ubuntu : Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev

RedHat/CentOS :红帽/CentOS

sudo yum install python-devel openldap-devel

要使用 pip 成功安装 python-ldap,需要以下开发库(包名取自 ubuntu 环境):

sudo apt-get install -y python-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev

On CentOS/RHEL 6, you need to install:在 CentOS/RHEL 6 上,您需要安装:

sudo yum install python-devel
sudo yum install openldap-devel

and yum will also install cyrus-sasl-devel as a dependency.并且 yum 还将安装cyrus-sasl-devel作为依赖项。 Then you can run:然后你可以运行:

pip-2.7 install python-ldap

In Ubuntu it looks like this :在 Ubuntu 中,它看起来像这样:

 $ sudo apt-get install python-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev
 $ sudo pip install python-ldap

"Don't blindly remove/install software" “不要盲目删除/安装软件”

In a Ubuntu or Debian based distro, you can use apt-file to find the name of the exact package that includes the missing header file.在基于 Ubuntu 或 Debian 的发行版中,您可以使用apt-file来查找包含缺失头文件的确切软件包的名称。

# do this once
sudo apt-get install apt-file
sudo apt-file update

$ apt-file search lber.h
libldap2-dev: /usr/include/lber.h

As you could see from the output of apt-file search lber.h , you'd just need to install the package libldap2-dev .apt-file search lber.h的输出中可以看出,您只需要安装软件包libldap2-dev

sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev

Windows: I completely agree with the accepted answer, but digging through the comments took a while to get to the meat of what I needed. Windows:我完全同意接受的答案,但仔细研究评论需要一段时间才能找到我需要的内容。 I ran across this specific problem with Reviewboard on Windows using the Bitnami.我使用 Bitnami 在 Windows 上的 Reviewboard 上遇到了这个特定问题。 To give an answer for windows then, I used this link mentioned in the comments:为了给 Windows 一个答案,我使用了评论中提到的这个链接:

Then, executed the following commands然后,执行以下命令

easy_install pip
pip install python_ldap-2.4.20-cp27-none_win32.whl

(because I had python 2.7 and a 32bit install at that) (因为我安装了 python 2.7 和 32 位)

easy_install python-ldap

For those having the same issue of missing Iber.h on Alpine Linux, in a docker image that you are trying to adapt to Alpine for instance.对于那些在 Alpine Linux 上缺少 Iber.h 的相同问题的人,例如,在您尝试适应 Alpine 的 docker 映像中。

The package you are looking for is: openldap-dev你要找的包是:openldap-dev

So run所以运行

apk add openldap-dev

Available from version 3.3 up to Edge从 3.3 版到 Edge 可用

Available for both armhf and x86_64 Architectures.可用于 armhf 和 x86_64 架构。

On Fedora 22, you need to do this instead:在 Fedora 22 上,您需要这样做:

sudo dnf install python-devel
sudo dnf install openldap-devel

在 openSUSE 上,您需要安装软件包openldap2-develcyrus-sasl-develpython-devellibopenssl-devel

zypper install openldap2-devel cyrus-sasl-devel python-devel libopenssl-devel

For alpine docker对于高山码头

apk add openldap-dev

if the python version is 3 and above try如果python版本是3及以上试试

pip install python3-ldap

For most systems , the build requirements are now mentioned in python-ldap's documentation , in the "Installing" section.对于大多数系统,构建要求现在在python-ldap 的文档中的“安装”部分中提到。

If anything is missing for your system (or your system is missing entirely), please let maintainer know!如果您的系统缺少任何东西(或您的系统完全丢失),请让维护人员知道! (As of 2018, I am the maintainer, so a comment here should be enough. Or you can send a pull request or mail.) (截至 2018 年,我是维护者,所以在这里发表评论就足够了。或者您可以发送拉取请求或邮件。)

python3 does not support python-ldap. python3 不支持 python-ldap。 Rather to install ldap3.而是安装ldap3。

To correct the error due to dependencies to install the python-ldap : Windows 7/10纠正由于依赖关系而导致的错误以安装 python-ldap:Windows 7/10

download the whl file下载whl文件

http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#python-ldap . http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#python-ldap

python 3.6 suit with python 3.6套装与


Deploy the file in :将文件部署在:

c:\python36\Scripts\ c:\python36\脚本\

install it with安装它

python -m pip install python_ldap-3.2.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python2.7-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev slapd ldap-utils python-tox lcov valgrind

I had problems with the installation on Windows, so one of the solutions is to install the ldap package manually.我在 Windows 上安装时遇到问题,因此解决方案之一是手动安装ldap包。

A few steps:几个步骤:

  • Go to the page pyldap or/and python-ldap and download the latest version *whl .转到页面pyldap或/和python-ldap并下载最新版本*whl
  • Open a console then cd to where you've downloaded your file like some-package.whl and use:打开一个控制台,然后 cd 到您下载文件的位置,例如some-package.whl并使用:
pip install some-package.whl

The current version for pyldap is 2.4.45 . 2.4.45 pyldap On a concrete example the installation would be:在一个具体的例子中,安装将是:

pip install .\pyldap-2.4.45-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

# or
pip install .\python_ldap‑3.3.1‑cp39‑cp39‑win_amd64.whl


Installing collected packages: pyldap
Successfully installed pyldap-2.4.45


You can install the proper version for Python-3.X though using following command:您可以使用以下命令为 Python-3.X 安装正确的版本:

# if pip3 is the default pip alias for python-3
pip3 install python3-ldap

# otherwise 
pip install python3-ldap

Also here is the link of PiPy package for further information: python3-ldap另外这里是 PiPy 包的链接以获取更多信息: python3-ldap


ldap3 is a strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library. ldap3 是一个严格遵循 RFC 4510 的 LDAP V3 纯 Python 客户端库。 The same codebase runs in Python 2, Python 3, PyPy and PyPy3: https://github.com/cannatag/ldap3相同的代码库在 Python 2、Python 3、PyPy 和 PyPy3 中运行: https ://github.com/cannatag/ldap3

pip install ldap3
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SAFE_SYNC

server = Server('my_server')
conn = Connection(server, 'my_user', 'my_password', client_strategy=SAFE_SYNC, auto_bind=True)

status, result, response, _ = conn.search('o=test', '(objectclass=*)') 
# usually you don't need the original request (4th element of the returned tuple)

On OSX, you need the xcode CLI tools.在 OSX 上,您需要 xcode CLI 工具。 Just open a terminal and run:只需打开一个终端并运行:

xcode-select --install

对于我来说 ArchLinux/Manjaro 帮助了以下命令:

yay libldap24

As a general solution to install Python packages with binary dependencies [1] on Debian/Ubuntu:作为在 Debian/Ubuntu 上安装具有二进制依赖项 [1] 的 Python 包的通用解决方案:

sudo apt-get build-dep python-ldap
# installs system dependencies (but not the package itself)
pew workon my_virtualenv # enter your virtualenv
pip install python-ldap

You'll have to check the name of your Python package on Ubuntu versus PyPI.您必须在 Ubuntu 和 PyPI 上检查 Python 包的名称 In this case they're the same.在这种情况下,它们是相同的。

Obviously doesn't work if the Python package is not in the Ubuntu repos.如果 Python 包不在 Ubuntu 存储库中,显然不起作用。

[1] I learnt this trick when trying to pip install matplotlib on Ubuntu. [1] 我在 Ubuntu 上尝试pip install matplotlib时学到了这个技巧。

In FreeBSD 11:在 FreeBSD 11 中:

pkg install openldap-client # for lber.h
pkg install cyrus-sasl # if you need sasl.h
pip install python-ldap

如果您使用的是 windows 机器,您可以在此链接中找到“python-ldap”轮,然后您可以安装它

对于那些使用 alphine linux 的人,apk 添加 openldap-dev


ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" pip3 install python-ldap

Adding also libzbar-dev solved for me the installation of python-ldap when building DOCKER还添加libzbar-dev为我解决了构建DOCKER时安装python-ldap的问题

The full command becomes:完整的命令变为:

apt-get install -y python-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev libzbar-dev

As of december 2021 there was/is a strange problem with the ldap library (at least in arch/manjaro).截至 2021 年 12 月,ldap 库存在一个奇怪的问题(至少在 arch/manjaro 中)。

While installing python-ldap (at 'Building wheel for python-ldap') I got the message 'ERROR: Failed building wheel for python-ldap':在安装python-ldap时(在“python-ldap 的构建轮”)我收到消息“错误:python-ldap 的构建轮失败”:

  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lldap_r                                                                                                                     
  collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status                                                                                                            
  error: command '/usr/bin/gcc' failed with exit code 1  

a workaround is provided here: https://github.com/python-ldap/python-ldap/issues/432#issuecomment-974799221此处提供了一种解决方法: https ://github.com/python-ldap/python-ldap/issues/432#issuecomment-974799221

I cite:我引用:

As a workaround create the file /usr/lib64/libldap_r.so with content INPUT ( libldap.so ).作为一种解决方法,使用内容 INPUT (libldap.so) 创建文件 /usr/lib64/libldap_r.so。 The approach works on all systems that use a GNU ld-compatible linker.该方法适用于所有使用 GNU ld 兼容链接器的系统。

 # cat > /usr/lib64/libldap_r.so << EOF INPUT ( libldap.so ) EOF

A hack answer for FreeBSD 13.1 (yes, I know this is deep South of best practices, but I just needed a quick fix): FreeBSD 13.1 的 hack 答案(是的,我知道这是最佳实践的最南端,但我只需要快速修复):

pkg install openldap24-client

cd /usr/local/include/python3.9
ln -s ../<all of the below> .


pip install python-ldap

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