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[英]How can I select only rows with multiple hits for a specific column?

I am not sure how to phrase this question so I'll give an example: 我不知道该怎么说这个问题,所以我举一个例子:

Suppose there is a table called tagged that has two columns: tagger and taggee . 假设有一个名为tagged的表有两列: taggertaggee What would the SQL query look like to return the taggee (s) that are in multiple rows? SQL查询返回多行中的taggee That is to say, they have been tagged 2 or more times by any tagger . 也就是说,它们被任何tagger标记了2次或更多次。

I would like a 'generic' SQL query and not something that only works on a specific DBMS. 我想要一个'通用'SQL查询,而不是只适用于特定DBMS的东西。

EDIT: Added "tagged 2 or more times by any tagger." 编辑:添加“由任何标记器标记2次或更多次。”

HAVING can operate on the result of aggregate functions. HAVING可以对聚合函数的结果进行操作。 So if you have data like this: 所以如果你有这样的数据:

Row    tagger  |  taggee
1.     Joe     |  Cat
2.     Fred    |  Cat
3.     Denise  |  Dog
4.     Joe     |  Horse
5.     Denise  |  Horse

It sounds like you want Cat , Horse . 听起来你想要

To get the taggee's that are in multiple rows, you would execute: 要获取多行的标记,您可以执行:

SELECT taggee, count(*) FROM tagged GROUP BY taggee HAVING count(*) > 1

That being said, when you say "select only rows with multiple hits for a specific column", which row do you want? 话虽这么说,当你说“只选择具有特定列的多次点击的行”时,你想要哪一 Do you want row 1 for Cat, or row 2 ? 你想要第1行是Cat还是第2行?

select distinct t1.taggee from tagged t1 inner join tagged t2 
        on t1.taggee = t2.taggee and t1.tagger != t2.tagger;

Will give you all the taggees who have been tagged by more than one tagger 将为您提供已被多个标记器标记的所有标记


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