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[英]what is the difference between __deref_out_opt and __deref_opt_out?

What is the difference between the following SAL annotations? 以下SAL注释有什么区别?

void foo(__deref_out_opt PSTR* bar);

void foo(__deref_opt_out PSTR* bar);

A PSTR* out parameter means the caller passes in a buffer which receives a pointer to a string. PSTR* out参数表示调用者传入缓冲区,该缓冲区接收指向字符串的指针。

In __deref_out_opt, the string is optional (the function puts NULL in the caller-provided buffer). 在__deref_out_opt中,字符串是可选的(该函数在调用者提供的缓冲区中放置NULL)。

In __deref_opt_out, the buffer is optional (the caller passes NULL to indicate disinterest in the output value). 在__deref_opt_out中,缓冲区是可选的(调用者传递NULL以指示输出值不感兴趣)。

Presumably, it's possible to combine these concepts, there should be a __deref_opt_out_opt modifier for that. 据推测,可以组合这些概念,应该有一个__deref_opt_out_opt修饰符。

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