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[英]How can I create a Spotlight-like search bar in an iPhone app?


Just drag and drop a UISearchBar in Interface Builder and link it up as normal... Then you need some code to search your tableview/data. 只需在Interface Builder中拖放UISearchBar并将其正常链接即可...然后,您需要一些代码来搜索表格视图/数据。 There are numerous ways to do that, documented all over the internet. 有很多方法可以做到这一点,并在互联网上进行了记录。 Google is your friend. Google是您的朋友。

Drag a UISearchBar into IB and connect it to your view controller. 将UISearchBar拖到IB中,并将其连接到视图控制器。 It needs a delegate to function so, you could make your view controller conform to the UISearchBarDelegate protocol or you could do the searching in your data layer. 它需要一个委托才能起作用,因此,您可以使您的视图控制器符合UISearchBarDelegate协议,或者可以在数据层中进行搜索。 But the best way is to use a UISearchDisplayController. 但是最好的方法是使用UISearchDisplayController。 Any way the delegate needs access to the data being searched so that it can use a predicate to filter the data. 委托以任何方式需要访问要搜索的数据,以便可以使用谓词来过滤数据。 Here's one of Apple's examples of how to do this. 是苹果公司如何做到这一点的例子之一。

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