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[英]Passing variables between functions

I have two functions, one that makes an Ajax request when the user loads the page, and one that will run every 5 or so seconds to update something. 我有两个功能,一个在用户加载页面时发出Ajax请求,另一个将每5秒钟运行一次以更新某些内容。 Using the first function, I can output a variable that I need to use in the second function. 使用第一个函数,我可以输出第二个函数中需要使用的变量。

function insert_last_ten() {
       url: 'freeshout/chatlog.php',
       success: function(data) {
         var first_child = $("#inner-wrap :first-child").html();
         var value = first_child.match(/(value)=["']?((?:.(?!["']?\s+(?:\S+)=|[>"']))+.)["']?/);
         var realtime = value[2];

Basically, I need to use realtime to do something else in another function. 基本上,我需要使用realtime在其他函数中执行其他操作。 For the sake of simplicity, let's pretend this is the second function: 为了简单起见,我们假设这是第二个功能:

function update() {

How could I go about making that work? 我该如何进行这项工作?

In the success callback, cancel the timeout and start a new one using the updated value. success回调中,取消超时并使用更新后的值开始一个新的超时。 You can pass the timeout identifier to insert_last_ten via argument and the success callback will pick it up via closure: 您可以通过参数将超时标识符传递给insert_last_tensuccess回调将通过闭包进行接收:

function createUpdateTimer(value, interval) {
    return setTimout(
      function () {
        alert(value); // The created function knows what value is due to closure
      }, interval);

function insert_last_ten(timer) {
        url: 'freeshout/chatlog.php',
        success: function(data) {
            var first_child = $("#inner-wrap :first-child").html();
            var value = first_child.match(/(value)=["']?((?:.(?!["']?\s+(?:\S+)=|[>"']))+.)["']?/);
            var realtime = value[2];
            cancelTimer(timer); // This callbac knows what timer is due to closure
            timer = createUpdateTimer(realtime, 500);

// Start the timer:
var timer = createUpdateTimer('initial value', 500);

// Make ajax request:

Note that I am only beginning to familiarize myself with the good parts of JavaScript. 请注意,我才刚刚开始熟悉JavaScript的优秀部分。 This code is untested. 此代码未经测试。

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