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如何确保为ClickOnce * Bootstrapper填充“Publisher”字段*

[英]How do I ensure the “Publisher” field is populated for my ClickOnce *Bootstrapper*

I've got an application that I deploy via ClickOnce. 我有一个通过ClickOnce部署的应用程序。 I do all the manifest generation/signing in an MSBuild script. 我在MSBuild脚本中执行所有清单生成/签名。 Up until today we've been using a self-generated certificate, but now I've got a certificate from Verisign. 直到今天我们一直在使用自己生成的证书,但现在我已经获得了Verisign的证书。

I can successfully sign my manifests using mage.exe and the new certificate and the Publisher field is shown properly when I run "myapp.Application" to install the app. 我可以使用mage.exe成功签署我的清单,当我运行“myapp.Application”来安装应用程序时,新证书和Publisher字段会正确显示。

However, if I run the Bootstrapper (setup.exe) that I've generated for the app, the installer now says the Publisher is unknown (as if I haven't signed my manifests). 但是,如果我运行我为应用程序生成的Bootstrapper(setup.exe),安装程序现在说发布者是未知的(就好像我没有签署我的清单)。 I can't figure out what I need to do to the Bootstrapper to make the publisher show up properly in the install confirmation dialog. 我无法弄清楚我需要对Bootstrapper做什么才能让发布者在安装确认对话框中正确显示。 I've tried signing the Bootstrapper using SignTool but that doesn't seem to make a difference. 我尝试使用SignTool签署Bootstrapper,但这似乎没有什么区别。

Pseudo-code looks like: 伪代码看起来像:

  1. Generate App Manifest (using mage.exe) 生成App Manifest(使用mage.exe)
  2. Sign App Manifest (using mage.exe) 签署应用程序清单(使用mage.exe)
  3. Generate Deployment Manifest (using GenerateDeploymentManifest MSBuild task) 生成部署清单(使用GenerateDeploymentManifest MSBuild任务)
  4. Sign Deployment Manifest (using mage.exe) 签署部署清单(使用mage.exe)
  5. Generate Bootstrapper (using GenerateBootstrapper task) 生成Bootstrapper(使用GenerateBootstrapper任务)
  6. Sign Boostrapper (using SignTool.exe) Sign Boostrapper(使用SignTool.exe)

Happy to post my code if there's no obvious problems with my workflow/tooling. 如果我的工作流程/工具没有明显问题,很高兴发布我的代码。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Have you tried to sign the setup.exe using SignTool. 您是否尝试使用SignTool对setup.exe进行签名?

If it does not work, add a 'BeforePublish' Target by editing your application .csproj file. 如果它不起作用,请通过编辑应用程序.csproj文件添加“BeforePublish”目标。

Check here and see this helps. 点击此处查看此帮助。

Don't forget to mark as answer, if it helps...!!! 不要忘记标记为答案,如果有帮助...... !!!


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