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[英]How to compare a NSNumber in an if

How to: 如何:

if (myNSNumber == 1)

This doesn't seem to build 这似乎没有建立

The object: 物体:

If myNSNUmber is NSNumber , your code should read, 如果myNSNUmberNSNumber ,则您的代码应为:

if ([myNSNumber intValue] == 1) {

If it is NSInteger , you can directly compare it with an integer literal. 如果它是NSInteger ,则可以直接将它与整数文字进行比较。 Because NSInteger is a primitive data type. 因为NSInteger是原始数据类型。

if (myNSNumber == 1) {

Note: Make sure you don't have * in your declaration. 注意:请确保声明中没有* Your NSInteger declarations should read, 您的NSInteger声明应显示为:

NSInteger myNSNUmber; // RIGHT
NSInteger *myNSNUmber; // WRONG, NSInteger is not a struct, but it is a primitive data type.

The following is based on @BoltClock's answer, which he recently posted here 以下内容基于@BoltClock的答案,他最近在此处发布答案

However if you do need to use a pointer to an NSInteger (that is, NSInteger *) for some reason, then you need to dereference the pointer to get the value: 但是,如果由于某种原因确实需要使用指向NSInteger的指针(即NSInteger *),则需要取消引用该指针以获取值:

if (*myNSNUmber == 11) {

NSInteger is normally a plain int type so your code should work fine. NSInteger通常是普通的int类型,因此您的代码应该可以正常工作。

if myNSNumber a NSNumber object (as variable name suggests) then you should extract its int value: 如果myNSNumber是一个NSNumber对象(如变量名所示),则应提取其int值:

if ([myNSNumber intValue] == 1)

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