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遍历 JsonCpp 中的对象

[英]Iterating through objects in JsonCpp

I have a C++ application that uses jsoncpp to decode a JSON string.我有一个 C++ 应用程序,它使用jsoncpp来解码 JSON 字符串。 I have created the following function but it only shows me the top level objects...我创建了以下函数,但它只显示了顶级对象...

How do I get it to dump the entire object list?我如何让它转储整个对象列表?

--Function-- --功能--

SaveJSON( json_data ); 

bool CDriverConfigurator::PrintJSONTree( Json::Value & root, unsigned short depth /* = 0 */) 
    printf( " {type=[%d], size=%d} ", root.type(), root.size() ); 

    if( root.size() > 0 ) {
        for( Json::ValueIterator itr = root.begin() ; itr != root.end() ; itr++ ) {
            PrintJSONTree( itr.key(), depth+1 ); 
        return true;

    // Print depth. 
    for( int tab = 0 ; tab < depth; tab++) {
        printf( "-"); 

    if( root.isString() ) {
        printf( " %s", root.asString().c_str() ); 
    } else if( root.isBool() ) {
        printf( " %d", root.asBool() ); 
    } else if( root.isInt() ) {
        printf( " %d", root.asInt() ); 
    } else if( root.isUInt() ) {
        printf( " %d", root.asUInt() ); 
    } else if( root.isDouble() ) {
        printf( " %f", root.asDouble() ); 
        printf( " unknown type=[%d]", root.type() ); 

    printf( "\n" ); 
    return true;

--- Input ---- --- 输入 ----

         "name":"Modbus Task",
            "DeviceID":"This is the name",
         "name":"Modbus Connection",
         "name":"Modbus Device",
         "name":"Function Something",

         "name":"Function Something",


--Output-- --输出--

{type=[7], size=3} {type=[4], size=0} - modules
{type=[4], size=0} - properties
{type=[4], size=0} - wires 

You have some errors related to seemingly not having a great handle on recursion or the key->value nature of JSON and how that relates to the library you're using.您有一些与似乎没有很好地处理递归或 JSON 的键-> 值性质以及它与您使用的库的关系相关的错误。 I haven't tested this code at all, but it should work better.我根本没有测试过这段代码,但它应该工作得更好。

void CDriverConfigurator::PrintJSONValue( const Json::Value &val )
    if( val.isString() ) {
        printf( "string(%s)", val.asString().c_str() ); 
    } else if( val.isBool() ) {
        printf( "bool(%d)", val.asBool() ); 
    } else if( val.isInt() ) {
        printf( "int(%d)", val.asInt() ); 
    } else if( val.isUInt() ) {
        printf( "uint(%u)", val.asUInt() ); 
    } else if( val.isDouble() ) {
        printf( "double(%f)", val.asDouble() ); 
        printf( "unknown type=[%d]", val.type() ); 

bool CDriverConfigurator::PrintJSONTree( const Json::Value &root, unsigned short depth /* = 0 */) 
    depth += 1;
    printf( " {type=[%d], size=%d}", root.type(), root.size() ); 

    if( root.size() > 0 ) {
        for( Json::Value::const_iterator itr = root.begin() ; itr != root.end() ; itr++ ) {
            // Print depth. 
            for( int tab = 0 ; tab < depth; tab++) {
            printf(" subvalue(");
            printf(") -");
            PrintJSONTree( *itr, depth); 
        return true;
    } else {
        printf(" ");
        printf( "\n" ); 
    return true;

If you are just looking to print out the Json::Value, there's a method for that:如果您只是想打印出 Json::Value,则有一种方法

Json::Value val;
/*...build the value...*/
cout << val.toStyledString() << endl;

Also, you may want to look into the Json::StyledWriter , the documentation for it is here .此外,您可能想查看Json::StyledWriter ,其文档在此处 I believe it print a human friendly version.我相信它会打印一个人性化的版本。 Also, Json::FastWriter , documentation here , prints a more compact form.此外, Json::FastWriter ,文档here ,打印更紧凑的形式。

This is a good example that can print either json objects and object member (and it's value) :这是一个很好的例子,可以打印json对象和对象成员(及其值):

Json::Value root;               // Json root
Json::Reader parser;            // Json parser

// Json content
string strCarPrices ="{ \"Car Prices\": [{\"Aventador\":\"$393,695\", \"BMW\":\"$40,250\",\"Porsche\":\"$59,000\",\"Koenigsegg Agera\":\"$2.1 Million\"}]}";

// Parse the json
bool bIsParsed = parser.parse( strCarPrices, root );
if (bIsParsed == true)
    // Get the values
    const Json::Value values = root["Car Prices"];

    // Print the objects
    for ( int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ )
        // Print the values
        cout << values[i] << endl;

        // Print the member names and values individually of an object
        for(int j = 0; j < values[i].getMemberNames().size(); j++)
            // Member name and value
            cout << values[i].getMemberNames()[j] << ": " << values[i][values[i].getMemberNames()[j]].asString() << endl;
    cout << "Cannot parse the json content!" << endl;

The output :输出:

        "Aventador" : "$393,695",
        "BMW" : "$40,250",
        "Koenigsegg Agera" : "$2.1 Million",
        "Porsche" : "$59,000"
Aventador: $393,695
BMW: $40,250
Koenigsegg Agera: $2.1 Million
Porsche: $59,000

There is an easy way to iterate over all fields in json::value.有一种简单的方法可以遍历 json::value 中的所有字段。 I omitted the printf stuff.我省略了 printf 的东西。

#include "cpprest/json.h"
#include "cpprest/filestream.h"

using web::json::value;
using std::wstring;

static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const double &value);
static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const bool &value);
static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const int &value);
static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const wstring &value);
static void printOne(const wstring &key, const value &v, _num level);
static void printTree(const value &v);

static void printTree(const value &v)

        printOne(wstring(), v, 0);
        // error handling

static void printOne(const wstring &key, const value &v, _num level)
    case value::value_type::Number:
            printOneValue(key, v.as_double());
            printOneValue(key, v.as_integer());
    case value::value_type::Boolean:
        printOneValue(key, v.as_bool());
    case value::value_type::String:
        printOneValue(key, v.as_string());
    case value::value_type::Object:
        for(auto iter : v.as_object())
            const wstring &k = iter.first;
            const value &val = iter.second;
            printOne(k, val, level+1);
    case value::value_type::Array:
        for(auto it : v.as_array())
            printOne(key, it, level+1);
    case value::value_type::Null:

static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const wstring &value)
    // process your key and value

static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const int &value)
    // process your key and value

static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const double &value)
    // process your key and value

static void printOneValue(const wstring &key, const bool &value)
    // process your key and value

Given member names, get the values给定成员名称,获取值

// Print all items under data1 value
vector<string> memberNames = root["test1"]["data1"].getMemberNames();
for (const string& mn : memberNames)
    cout << "[" << mn << "]:" << "[" << root["test1"]["data1"].get(mn, "None") << "]" << endl;

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