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[英]Service httpd error

I have a centOS virtual machine with 3 virtual hosts. 我有一个带有3个虚拟主机的centOS虚拟机。 It worked fine until this moment when I lost access to the dns server. 它工作正常,直到我失去访问DNS服务器的那一刻。 Now the hosts can't be resolved. 现在无法解析主机。 Can any1 tell me if I can configure some static routes or something to the virtual hosts? 可以告诉我是否可以为虚拟主机配置一些静态路由或东西?

Print screen with the httpd response: 带有httpd响应的打印屏幕: 在此输入图像描述

PS I would prefere not to configure a DNS server since the old one will start tomorrow again. PS我不希望不配置DNS服务器,因为旧的服务器将于明天重新启动。

In your /etc/hosts you can map IP addresses to hostnames: /etc/hosts您可以将IP地址映射到主机名: example.com example.net
// etc...

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