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多线程性能std :: string

[英]Multi-threaded performance std::string

We are running some code on a project that uses OpenMP and I've run into something strange. 我们在使用OpenMP的项目上运行一些代码,我遇到了一些奇怪的事情。 I've included parts of some play code that demonstrates what I see. 我已经包含了一些演示代码的部分内容,以展示我所看到的内容。

The tests compare calling a function with a const char* argument with a std::string argument in a multi-threaded loop. 测试比较在多线程循环中使用带有std :: string参数的const char *参数调用函数。 The functions essentially do nothing and so have no overhead. 这些函数基本上什么都不做,所以没有开销。

What I do see is a major difference in the time it takes to complete the loops. 我所看到的是完成循环所需时间的主要差异。 For the const char* version doing 100,000,000 iterations the code takes 0.075 seconds to complete compared with 5.08 seconds for the std::string version. 对于执行100,000,000次迭代的const char *版本,代码需要0.075秒才能完成,而std :: string版本需要5.08秒。 These tests were done on Ubuntu-10.04-x64 with gcc-4.4. 这些测试是在带有gcc-4.4的Ubuntu-10.04-x64上完成的。

My question is basically whether this is solely due the dynamic allocation of std::string and why in this case that can't be optimized away since it is const and can't change? 我的问题基本上是否这完全是由于std :: string的动态分配以及为什么在这种情况下无法优化掉,因为它是const并且不能改变?

Code below and many thanks for your responses. 以下代码,非常感谢您的回复。

Compiled with: g++ -Wall -Wextra -O3 -fopenmp string_args.cpp -o string_args 编译:g ++ -Wall -Wextra -O3 -fopenmp string_args.cpp -o string_args

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>

// For wall time
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

  const int64_t g_max_iter = 100000000;
  std::map<const char*, int> g_charIndex = std::map<const char*,int>();
  std::map<std::string, int> g_strIndex = std::map<std::string,int>();

  class Timer
    #ifdef _WIN32
      m_start = clock();
    #else /* linux & mac */

    float elapsed()
    #ifdef _WIN32
      clock_t now = clock();
      const float retval = float(now - m_start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      m_start = now;
    #else /* linux & mac */
      timeval now;
      const float retval = float(now.tv_sec - m_start.tv_sec) + float((now.tv_usec - m_start.tv_usec)/1E6);
      m_start = now;
      return retval;

    // The type of this variable is different depending on the platform
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_start;   ///< The starting time (implementation dependent format)


bool contains_char(const char * id)
  if( g_charIndex.empty() ) return false;
  return (g_charIndex.find(id) != g_charIndex.end());

bool contains_str(const std::string & name)
  if( g_strIndex.empty() ) return false;
  return (g_strIndex.find(name) != g_strIndex.end());

void do_serial_char()
  int found(0);
  Timer clock;
  for( int64_t i = 0; i < g_max_iter; ++i )
    if( contains_char("pos") )
  std::cout << "Loop time: " << clock.elapsed() << "\n";

void do_parallel_char()
  int found(0);
  Timer clock;
#pragma omp parallel for
  for( int64_t i = 0; i < g_max_iter; ++i )
    if( contains_char("pos") )
  std::cout << "Loop time: " << clock.elapsed() << "\n";

void do_serial_str()
  int found(0);
  Timer clock;
  for( int64_t i = 0; i < g_max_iter; ++i )
    if( contains_str("pos") )
  std::cout << "Loop time: " << clock.elapsed() << "\n";

void do_parallel_str()
  int found(0);
  Timer clock;
#pragma omp parallel for
  for( int64_t i = 0; i < g_max_iter ; ++i )
    if( contains_str("pos") )
  std::cout << "Loop time: " << clock.elapsed() << "\n";

int main()
  std::cout << "Starting single-threaded loop using std::string\n";
  std::cout << "\nStarting multi-threaded loop using std::string\n";

  std::cout << "\nStarting single-threaded loop using char *\n";
  std::cout << "\nStarting multi-threaded loop using const char*\n";

My question is basically whether this is solely due the dynamic allocation of std::string and why in this case that can't be optimized away since it is const and can't change? 我的问题基本上是否这完全是由于std :: string的动态分配以及为什么在这种情况下无法优化掉,因为它是const并且不能改变?

Yes, it is due to the allocation and copying for std::string on every iteration. 是的,这是由于每次迭代时std :: string的分配和复制。

A sufficiently smart compiler could potentially optimize this, but it is unlikely to happen with current optimizers. 一个足够聪明的编译器可能会对此进行优化,但目前的优化器不太可能发生这种情况。 Instead, you can hoist the string yourself: 相反,你可以自己提升弦:

void do_parallel_str()
  int found(0);
  Timer clock;
  std::string const str = "pos";  // you can even make it static, if desired
#pragma omp parallel for
  for( int64_t i = 0; i < g_max_iter; ++i )
    if( contains_str(str) )
  //clock.stop();  // Or use something to that affect, so you don't include
  // any of the below expression (such as outputing "Loop time: ") in the timing.
  std::cout << "Loop time: " << clock.elapsed() << "\n";

Does changing: 改变:

if( contains_str("pos") )

to: 至:

static const std::string str = "pos";
if( str )

Change things much? 改变了很多东西? My current best guess is that the implicit constructor call for std::string every loop would introduce a fair bit of overhead and optimising it away whilst possible is still a sufficiently hard problem I suspect. 我目前最好的猜测是,每个循环的std::string隐式构造函数调用会引入相当大的开销并尽可能地优化它,但我怀疑这仍然是一个足够困难的问题。

std::string (in your case temporary) requires dynamic allocation, which is a very slow operation, compared to everything else in your loop. std::string (在你的情况下是临时的)需要动态分配,与循环中的其他所有内容相比,这是一个非常慢的操作。 There are also old implementations of standard library that did COW, which also slow in multi-threaded environment. COW也有标准库的旧实现,在多线程环境中也会变慢。 Having said that, there is no reason why compiler cannot optimize temporary string creation and optimize away the whole contains_str function call, unless you have some side effects there. 话虽如此,没有理由为什么编译器不能优化临时字符串创建并优化掉整个contains_str函数调用,除非你有一些副作用。 Since you didn't provide implementation for that function, it's impossible to say if it could be completely optimized away. 由于您没有为该功能提供实现,因此无法确定它是否可以完全优化。

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