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如何使用ASP.NET MVC缓存页面的特定部分?

[英]How to cache specific parts of the page with ASP.NET MVC?

I'm making a "reputation" type feature on my site similar to stack overflow. 我正在网站上进行类似于堆栈溢出的“信誉”类型功能。 I want to display their points on by their name in the header. 我想通过标题中的名称显示它们的点。

I don't want to have to do a db call just for this every time they move to another page. 我不想每次他们移动到另一个页面时都必须为此进行数据库调用。

Can anyone suggest a nice way to implement this? 谁能建议一种实现此目标的好方法?

Don't make a db call just for this but get the data from the database while you're getting everything else. 不要仅仅为此进行数据库调用,而是在获取其他所有内容时从数据库获取数据。

Follow the principle of One Request Response cycle, one database call. 遵循一个请求响应周期,一个数据库调用的原则。 It's really just a matter of joining in the other tables in your query. 实际上,这只是联接查询中的其他表的问题。

For instance, if you look at a page that has a question and a bunch of answers. 例如,如果您查看的页面上有一个问题和一堆答案。 You know the "user" of the original question and you know the "user" of each of the answers and comments. 您知道原始问题的“用户”,并且知道每个答案和评论的“用户”。 So while you're getting the information also join in the pertinent information of each of the users. 因此,在获取信息的同时,还要加入每个用户的相关信息。 It's really just joining in additional tables and you can effectively get all of the data you require in one database call. 它实际上只是联接其他表,您可以在一个数据库调用中有效地获取所需的所有数据。

When you make a call to a database (like MSSQL server) you can get back multiple resultsets in one call, so you're also not limited to a single result set. 调用数据库(例如MSSQL Server)时,可以在一个调用中返回多个结果集,因此,您也不仅限于单个结果集。

Edit: 编辑:

Here is a sample Stored procedure (or just SQL statements) that results in 5 result sets in one database call. 这是一个示例存储过程(或只是SQL语句),它在一个数据库调用中产生5个结果集。

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetPostWithSlug]
@PostSlug varchar(80)

    DECLARE @PostId int;

    SELECT @PostId = PostId
    FROM dbo.Post
    WHERE PostSlug = @PostSlug

    SELECT      PostId, PostDate, PostSlug, dbo.[User].UserFirstName + ' ' + dbo.[User].UserLastName AS PostedBy, PostTitle, PostText, PostIsPublished, PostIsPublic, PostTitleImg, PostUpdatedDate, dbo.[User].UserWebsite AS AuthorWebsite
    FROM        dbo.Post
                INNER JOIN
                        ON dbo.[User].UserId = dbo.Post.UserId

    WHERE       PostId = @PostId

    /* SubCategories for Post */
    SELECT   dbo.PostSubCategory.PostId, dbo.Category.CategoryId, dbo.SubCategory.SubCategoryId, dbo.Category.CategoryDescription, dbo.SubCategory.SubCategoryDescription
    FROM     dbo.Category
             INNER JOIN
                dbo.SubCategory ON dbo.Category.CategoryId = dbo.SubCategory.CategoryId
             INNER JOIN
                dbo.PostSubCategory ON dbo.SubCategory.SubCategoryId = dbo.PostSubCategory.SubCategoryId
             INNER JOIN
                dbo.Post ON dbo.Post.PostId = dbo.PostSubCategory.PostId
    WHERE   dbo.Post.PostId = @PostId
    ORDER BY dbo.PostSubCategory.PostId

    /* Tags for Post */
    SELECT  dbo.PostTag.PostId, dbo.Tag.TagId, dbo.Tag.TagDescription
    FROM    dbo.PostTag
            INNER JOIN
                dbo.Tag ON dbo.Tag.TagId = dbo.PostTag.TagId
            INNER JOIN 
                dbo.Post ON dbo.Post.PostId = dbo.PostTag.PostId
    WHERE   dbo.Post.PostId = @PostId           
    ORDER BY dbo.PostTag.PostId, dbo.Tag.TagDescription

    /* Custom Groups for Post */
    SELECT dbo.PostCustomGroup.PostId, dbo.CustomGroupHeader.CustomGroupHeaderId, dbo.CustomGroup.CustomGroupId
    FROM dbo.CustomGroup
        INNER JOIN
            dbo.CustomGroupHeader ON dbo.CustomGroupHeader.CustomGroupHeaderId = dbo.CustomGroup.CustomGroupHeaderId
        INNER JOIN
            dbo.PostCustomGroup ON dbo.PostCustomGroup.CustomGroupId = dbo.CustomGroup.CustomGroupId
    WHERE   dbo.PostCustomGroup.PostId = @PostId

    EXEC GetCommentsForPost @PostId

In C# code, your DbDataReader will hold multiple result sets and these can be got by calling NextResult(). 在C#代码中,您的DbDataReader将保存多个结果集,可以通过调用NextResult()来获得这些结果集。 Or if you're filling a DataSet you can simply use the Fill method of a adapter. 或者,如果要填充数据集,则可以简单地使用适配器的Fill方法。

I use this technique on my blog Matlus - Internet Technology and Software Engineering and you can see how fast (responsive) the site is. 我在我的博客Matlus-Internet Technology and Software Engineering上使用了这种技术,您可以看到该站点有多快(响应)。 The same technique is used on ExposureRoom which is a public social networking website that has a huge amount of traffic. 在具有大量流量的公共社交网站ExposureRoom上使用了相同的技术。

You're looking for some way to do donut hole caching: 您正在寻找做甜甜圈孔缓存的方法:

https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=[asp.net-mvc]+donut+hole+caching https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=[asp.net-mvc]+donut+hole+caching

If it's only a small part of part of page that needs to be cached, you could use child action to render that part, and cache it. 如果仅需要缓存页面的一小部分,则可以使用子操作来呈现并缓存该部分。 Example: http://www.asp.net/learn/whitepapers/mvc3-release-notes#_Toc276711791 示例: http//www.asp.net/learn/whitepapers/mvc3-release-notes#_Toc276711791

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