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T-SQL:在 UPDATE 语句中使用 CASE 根据条件更新某些列

[英]T-SQL: Using a CASE in an UPDATE statement to update certain columns depending on a condition

I am wondering if this is possible at all.我想知道这是否可能。 I want to update column x if a condition is true, otherwise column y would be updated如果条件为真,我想更新列 x,否则将更新列 y

                       ELSE columny
= 25

I have searched all over, tried out some things and am unable to find a solution.我到处搜索,尝试了一些东西,但无法找到解决方案。 I think it's not possible, but I thought I would ask here and see if anyone has done it before.我认为这是不可能的,但我想我会在这里问一下,看看是否有人以前做过。

You can't use a condition to change the structure of your query, just the data involved.您不能使用条件来更改查询的结构,而只能更改所涉及的数据。 You could do this:你可以这样做:

update table set
    columnx = (case when condition then 25 else columnx end),
    columny = (case when condition then columny else 25 end)

This is semantically the same, but just bear in mind that both columns will always be updated .这在语义上是相同的,但请记住,两列都将始终更新 This probably won't cause you any problems, but if you have a high transactional volume, then this could cause concurrency issues.可能不会给您带来任何问题,但如果您的事务量很大,那么这可能会导致并发问题。

The only way to do specifically what you're asking is to use dynamic SQL.具体做你所要求的唯一方法是使用动态SQL。 This is, however, something I'd encourage you to stay away from.但是,我建议您远离这种情况。 The solution above will almost certainly be sufficient for what you're after.上面的解决方案几乎肯定足以满足您的需求。

UPDATE  table
SET     columnx = CASE WHEN condition THEN 25 ELSE columnx END,
        columny = CASE WHEN condition THEN columny ELSE 25 END

I know this is a very old question, but this worked for me:我知道这是一个非常古老的问题,但这对我有用:

WHEN FIELD1 = Condition1 THEN 'Result1'
WHEN FIELD1 = Condition2 THEN 'Result2'
WHEN FIELD1 = Condition3 THEN 'Result3'


I want to change or update my ContactNo to 8018070999 where there is 8018070777 using Case statement我想使用 Case 语句将我的 ContactNo 更改或更新为 8018070999,其中有 8018070777

update [Contacts] set contactNo=(case 
when contactNo=8018070777 then 8018070999


I know this is a very old question and the problem is marked as fixed.我知道这是一个非常古老的问题,问题被标记为已修复。 However, if someone with a case like mine where the table have trigger for data logging on update events, this will cause problem.但是,如果有人像我这样的情况,表有更新事件的数据记录触发器,这将导致问题。 Both the columns will get the update and log will make useless entries.这两列都将获得更新,而日志将生成无用的条目。 The way I did我做的方式

    UPDATE table SET columnx = 25
    UPDATE table SET columny = 25

Now this have another benefit that it does not have unnecessary writes on the table like the above solutions.现在,这有另一个好处,即它不会像上述解决方案那样在表上进行不必要的写入。

I believe that you can omit updating the "non-desired" columns by adjusting the other answers as follows:我相信您可以通过调整其他答案来省略更新“非所需”列,如下所示:

update table set
    columnx = (case when condition1 then 25 end),
    columny = (case when condition2 then 25 end)`

As I understand it, this will update only when the condition is met.据我了解,只有在满足条件时才会更新。

After reading all the comments, this is the most efficient:看完所有的评论,这是最有效率的:

Update table set ColumnX = 25 where Condition1
 Update table set ColumnY = 25 where Condition1`

Sample Table :样品表

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTest](
    [ColX] [int] NULL,
    [ColY] [int] NULL,
    [ColConditional] [bit] NULL,
    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL

Sample Data :样本数据

Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (null, null, 0)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (null, null, 0)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (null, null, 1)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (null, null, 1)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (1, null, null)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (2, null, null)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (null, 1, null)
Insert into tblTest (ColX, ColY, ColConditional) values (null, 2, null)

Now I assume you can write a conditional that handles nulls.现在我假设您可以编写一个处理空值的条件。 For my example, I am assuming you have written such a conditional that evaluates to True, False or Null.对于我的示例,我假设您已经编写了这样一个计算结果为 True、False 或 Null 的条件。 If you need help with this, let me know and I will do my best.如果您需要这方面的帮助,请告诉我,我会尽力而为。

Now running these two lines of code does infact change X to 25 if and only if ColConditional is True(1) and Y to 25 if and only if ColConditional is False(0)现在运行这两行代码实际上将 X 更改为 25 当且仅当 ColConditional 为 True(1) 并且 Y 更改为 25 当且仅当 ColConditional 为 False(0)

Update tblTest set ColX = 25 where ColConditional = 1
Update tblTest set ColY = 25 where ColConditional = 0

PS The null case was never mentioned in the original question or any updates to the question, but as you can see, this very simple answer handles them anyway. PS 在原始问题或问题的任何更新中从未提及 null 案例,但正如您所看到的,这个非常简单的答案无论如何都可以处理它们。

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