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[英]Data Compare Build Task to generate delta insert script for selected tables

I want to automate the process of delta insert script creation for master table by comparing development Database to production database. 我想通过比较开发数据库和生产数据库来自动化主表的增量插入脚本创建过程。

Have used this tool "Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition Power Tools". 已使用此工具“ Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008数据库版高级工具”。

This is the syntax that can be used to compare two databases and generate the delta insert script. 这是可用于比较两个数据库并生成增量插入脚本的语法。

MSBuild /t:SqlDataCompareTask /p:SourceConnectionString=”ValidConnectionString1” /p:SourceDatabaseName=”DatabaseName1” /P:TargetConnectionString=”ValidConnectionString2” /p:TargetDatabaseName=”DatabaseName2” /p:OutputPath=”FullPathForDataCompareReults” /p:OutputFilename=”FilenameForDataCompareResults”

Now what i am looking for is a way to pass table names, and only these tables should be considered for generation of delta insert script. 现在,我正在寻找一种传递表名的方法,并且仅应考虑使用这些表来生成增量插入脚本。

If any of you had tried simillar thing let me know what is the alternate approach that you took. 如果你们中有人尝试过类似的事情,请让我知道您采取的替代方法是什么。


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