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[英]How do I pass extra arguments to my event handlers?

I am trying to call a shared global event handler from my form's button click event. 我试图从表单的按钮单击事件中调用共享的全局事件处理程序。

public void button21_Click(object me, EventArgs MyArgs) {
  button17_Click(me, MyArgs);  /// WORKS!

What I want to do is pass in my XML to the method. 我要做的是将XML传递给该方法。

Something like: 就像是:

public void button21_Click(object me, EventArgs MyArgs) {
  button17_Click(me, MyArgs, MyXmlString);  /// ERROR!

I do not always need XML in the button17_Click() method, only when button21 is pressed. 仅在按下button21时,我并不总是在button17_Click()方法中需要XML。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

You don't pass XML (or other arbitrary data types) to event handlers in .NET. 您不会将XML(或其他任意数据类型)传递给.NET中的事件处理程序。 They have a particular signature, and that's what you have to use. 它们具有特定的签名,这就是您必须使用的签名。

You should not be calling button17_click from button21_click. 您不应该从button21_click调用button17_click。 Instead, try this: 相反,请尝试以下操作:

public void button17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

public void button21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void CommonFunctionality()
    // In here, place the code that used to be in button17_click

You may then need to create a version of the common functionality that can use your XML. 然后,您可能需要创建可以使用XML的通用功能的版本。

I would not try to call your event handler directly, leave that up to the events themselves. 我不会尝试直接调用您的事件处理程序,而是让事件自己处理。

What you should do instead is move the logic for button17 into a separate method and call that method instead. 相反,您应该做的是将button17的逻辑button17单独的方法中,然后调用该方法。

private void button17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // call the newly created method instead (with the XML argument null)

private void button21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // call the newly created method instead (with the XML argument set)

private void HandleClickOperation(string xmlString)
    if (xmlString == null)
        // do things unique to button17 behavior
        // do things unique to button21 behavior
    // the logic that was in button17_Click()

OK, this question is a little better than yesterday, bu we still can't see : 好,这个问题比昨天好一点,但是我们仍然看不到:

  • what is the declaration of button17_Click button17_Click的声明是什么
  • why is button17_Click an eventhandler? 为什么button17_Click是事件处理程序?
  • why is it a 'global' eventhandler ? 为什么它是“全局”事件处理程序?
  • what do you mean by 'global' here? 您在这里所说的“全球”是什么意思?
  • is it your code (can you change button17_Click) ? 是您的代码(您可以更改button17_Click)吗?
  • ... ...

And all that is needed to form an answer or an advice. 以及形成答案或建议所需的一切。

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