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[英]load data infile question

I'm currently using LOAD DATA INFILE in my query, but I am not sure how to separate the data 我当前在查询中使用LOAD DATA INFILE,但是我不确定如何分隔数据

The data is in the following format firstname:lastname 数据采用以下格式的名字:姓氏

$this->db->query("LOAD DATA INFILE 'names.txt' 
                  INTO names firstname lastname 
                FIELDS TERMINATED BY ':'");

How would I use this to take the data from the text file and split firstname:lastname to insert firstname into firstname & lastname into lastname? 我将如何使用它从文本文件中获取数据并拆分firstname:lastname以将firstname插入firstname并将lastname插入lastname?

I'm assuming your table name is names . 我假设您的表名是names In which case the query should be: 在这种情况下,查询应为:

"LOAD DATA INFILE 'names.txt' 
    INTO TABLE names
    (firstname, lastname)"

Then of course you have to execute the statement. 然后,您当然必须执行该语句。

Also take care of newline characters, field enclosure characters and field escape characters, for which you specify [LINES] TERMINATED BY , [FIELDS] ENCLOSED BY and [FIELDS] ESCAPED BY respectively (square brackets meaning that you only specify LINES or FIELDS once). 还要注意换行符,字段包围符和字段转义符,分别为它们指定[LINES] TERMINATED BY[FIELDS] ENCLOSED BY[FIELDS] ESCAPED BY (方括号表示只指定一次LINESFIELDS ) 。

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