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[英]WPF: Drag and drop virtual files into Windows explorer

I'm developing an application similar to dropbox and i show the remote files on a WPF listview. 我正在开发一个类似于dropbox的应用程序,我在WPF列表视图中显示远程文件。 I want to drag those elements and drop it into windows explorer. 我想拖动这些元素并将其放入Windows资源管理器中。 I've seen code like this: 我见过这样的代码:

var dataObject = new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, files.ToArray());
dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.StringFormat, dataObject);
DoDragDrop(dataObject, DragDropEffects.Copy);

But as you may think, those file are not at the local system yet, before copiying them I need to connect to server, donwload and unzip the files. 但是你可能认为,那些文件还没有在本地系统上,在复制它们之前我需要连接到服务器,下载并解压缩文件。 Like a ftp client does. 像ftp客户端一样。

I dont how to do it but i was wondering if there is any "drop" event or similiar that i can handle. 我不知道怎么做,但我想知道是否有任何“掉落”事件或类似我能处理。

Thanks! 谢谢!

This snippet: 这个片段:

var virtualFileDataObject = new VirtualFileDataObject(
                // BeginInvoke ensures UI operations happen on the right thread
                (vfdo) => Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => BusyScreen.Visibility = Visibility.Visible)),
                (vfdo) => Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => BusyScreen.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed)));

            // Provide a virtual file (downloaded on demand), its URL, and descriptive text
            virtualFileDataObject.SetData(new VirtualFileDataObject.FileDescriptor[]
                new VirtualFileDataObject.FileDescriptor
                    Name = "DelaysBlog.xml",
                    StreamContents = stream =>
                            using(var webClient = new WebClient())
                                var data = webClient.DownloadData("http://blogs.msdn.com/delay/rss.xml");
                                stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                Encoding.Default.GetBytes("[The RSS feed for Delay's Blog]\0"));

            DoDragDropOrClipboardSetDataObject(e.ChangedButton, TextUrl, virtualFileDataObject, DragDropEffects.Copy);

Using the class linked should work. 使用链接的类应该工作。 . Very nice and easy solution. 非常好,简单的解决方案。

http://pavanpodila.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9C9E888164859398!190.entry http://pavanpodila.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9C9E888164859398!199.entry http://pavanpodila.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9C9E888164859398!225.entry http://pavanpodila.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9C9E888164859398!190.entry http://pavanpodila.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9C9E888164859398!199.entry http://pavanpodila.spaces。 live.com/blog/cns!9C9E888164859398!225.entry

See this series of articles. 看到这一系列文章。 This should help you get started. 这应该可以帮助您入门。

EDIT: See this for an amplementation of the dragsourceadvisor 编辑:看看这个dragsourceadvisor的实现

 internal class ImagesViewPanelDragSourceAdvisor : IDragSourceAdvisor
     private FrameworkElement _dragSource;

     public DependencyObject DragSource
             return _dragSource;
             _dragSource = value as FrameworkElement;

     public DependencyObject DragObject { get; set; }

     public DragDropEffects GetDragDropEffects()
         DragDropEffects effects = DragDropEffects.None;

         FrameworkElement frameworkObj = DragObject as FrameworkElement;

         if (frameworkObj != null && frameworkObj.DataContext is ImageViewModel)
             effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;

         return effects;

     public IDataObject GetDragDataObject()
         Debug.Assert(GetDragDropEffects() != DragDropEffects.None);

         ImagesViewModel imagesVM = (FrameworkElement)DragSource).DataContext  as ImagesViewModel;

         StringCollection fileList = new StringCollection();

         foreach (ImageViewModel imageVM in imagesVM.Items.Where(imageVM => imageVM.IsSelected))

         Debug.Assert(fileList.Count > 0);

         DataObject dataObj = new DataObject();


         return dataObj;

     public void FinishDrag(DragDropEffects finalEffect)

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