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[英]Lost values after switching email sending from AR_Mailer to DelayedJob

I've been using AR_Mailer for about 6 months without ever running into problems. 我一直在使用AR_Mailer大约6个月没有遇到问题。 I recently added DelayedJob for some administrative background jobs. 我最近为一些管理后台工作添加了DelayedJob。 Since DelayedJob also handles emails very well (thanks to DelayedMailer gem) I completely removed AR_Mailer from my application. 由于DelayedJob还可以很好地处理电子邮件(由于DelayedMailer gem),因此我从应用程序中完全删除了AR_Mailer。

Everything works perfectly except this email. 除了这封电子邮件,一切都很完美。 The password that is generated automatically is now lost. 现在自动生成的密码已丢失。

def activation_instructions(user)
 from          default_email
 @bcc          = BACK_UP
 @subject      = "Activation instructions" 
 recipients    user.email
 sent_on       Time.now
 body          :root_url => root_url, :user => user

Thanks for signing up.

Your password is <%=@user.password-%>. For security reasons please change this on your first connection.


Any idea on why this bug occurs? 有没有想过为什么会出现这个错误? Thanks! 谢谢!

Configuration: Rails 2.3.2 & DelayedJob 2.0.4 配置:Rails 2.3.2和DelayedJob 2.0.4

I found out where the problem was. 我发现了问题所在。 I looked in the database at the entry created in the delayed_jobs table: 我在数据库中查找了delay_jobs表中创建的条目:

  --- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMethod
  object: LOAD;Notifier
  method: :deliver_activation_instructions!
  - LOAD;User;589

The user parameter is reloaded from the database by delayed_job before sending the email. 在发送电子邮件之前,delayed_job从数据库重新加载了user参数。 In that case, the password is lost because it's not stored in the database. 在这种情况下,密码将丢失,因为它没有存储在数据库中。

So I've updated the code in order to pass explicitly the password: 因此,我更新了代码以显式传递密码:

def activation_instructions(user, password)
 from          default_email
 @bcc          = BACK_UP
 @subject      = "Activation instructions" 
 recipients    user.email
 sent_on       Time.now
 body          :root_url => root_url, :user => user, :password => password

Thanks for signing up.

Your password is <%=@password-%>. For security reasons please change this on your first connection.


Hope this helps other too! 希望这对其他人也有帮助!

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