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ASP.NET AJAX - AJAX控件工具包 - jQuery - 哦,我的?

[英]ASP.NET AJAX - AJAX Control Toolkit - jQuery - Oh My?

Take a trip with me back in time about three years ago. 大约三年前和我一起回到旅行。 I remember building web controls that were dynamically inserted into the HTML of a page via AJAX and then rendered in place. 我记得构建通过AJAX动态插入到页面HTML中的Web控件,然后进行渲染。 We used the Prototype JavaScript library and the XMLHTTP Request object. 我们使用了Prototype JavaScript库和XMLHTTP Request对象。 Microsoft ATLAS has just been released. 微软ATLAS刚刚发布。

After about three years of non web development work in Java, Compact Framework, some iOS etc ... and I find myself in a whole new world. 在Java,Compact Framework,一些iOS等大约三年的非Web开发工作之后......我发现自己处在一个全新的世界。 Microsoft AJAX, the AJAX Control Toolkit, and jQuery. Microsoft AJAX,AJAX控件工具包和jQuery。 I find myself with a new project that has utilized some aspects of ASP.NET AJAX but mostly just the update panel and some client-side UI updates that jQuery now seems to make trivial. 我发现自己有一个新项目,它利用了ASP.NET AJAX的某些方面,但主要是更新面板和一些客户端UI更新,jQuery现在似乎变得微不足道。

So here is the question .. Is there still value in studying and becoming familiar with ASP.NET AJAX? 所以这就是问题..学习和熟悉ASP.NET AJAX还有价值吗? Is it still used going forward? 它还在继续使用吗? What about the AJAX Control Toolkit? 那么AJAX Control Toolkit呢? Has this been abandoned my Microsoft in favor of a jQuery based infrastructure? 这是否已经放弃了我的微软支持基于jQuery的基础架构? Is jQuery coupled with JSON and web services the way to retrieve data? jQuery是否与JSON和Web服务一起检索数据的方式?

It's still used in the WebForms world, however Microsoft has abandoned it in the MVC framework. 它仍然在WebForms世界中使用,但是微软已经在MVC框架中放弃了它。 So unless you're a diehard WebForms guy it doesn't make much sense. 因此,除非你是一个顽固的WebForms人,否则它没有多大意义。 Especially considering you can use jQuery in WebForms projects as well. 特别是考虑到你也可以在WebForms项目中使用jQuery。

This article gives a pretty good summary of the jQuery/Microsoft AJAX situation. 本文给出了jQuery / Microsoft AJAX情况的一个很好的总结。 Basically, jQuery is the way forward! 基本上,jQuery是前进的方向!

I think, from a career perspective, you'd be better off becoming familiar with jQuery (or a similar client-side JavaScript framework) and having that code interact with web services, WCF services (preferred, IMHO) or, if you're using ASP.NET MVC, JsonResults. 我认为,从职业角度来看,你最好熟悉jQuery(或类似的客户端JavaScript框架)并让代码与Web服务,WCF服务(首选,恕我直言)进行交互,或者,如果你是使用ASP.NET MVC,JsonResults。

If you go to the Microsoft AJAX site ( http://asp.net/ajax ), they really don't mention their AJAX framework anymore, and the AJAX Control Toolkit is really there for people who don't want to work with JavaScript. 如果你去微软AJAX网站( http://asp.net/ajax ),他们真的不再提及他们的AJAX框架了,AJAX控件工具包真的适合那些不想使用JavaScript的人。

I started off, like you, using the AJAX Framework and the AJAX Control Toolkit and have made the transition to jQuery, JSON and other, more streamlined, ways of creating web applications. 我和你一样,开始使用AJAX框架和AJAX控件工具包,并转而使用jQuery,JSON和其他更简化的创建Web应用程序的方法。 I'd recommend you'd follow the jQuery/JSON/services path instead of Microsoft AJAX. 我建议您遵循jQuery / JSON / services路径而不是Microsoft AJAX。

Just my 2 cents. 只需2美分。

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