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从Eclipse Java EE导出Java Web服务

[英]Export java web service from eclipse java ee

This might be a newbie question. 这可能是一个新手问题。 But I am working with iPhone programming and I have hosted my own webservices written in Java on a ubuntu linux and Eclipse EE edition with a glashfish server. 但是我正在使用iPhone编程,并且已经在带有glashfish服务器的ubuntu linux和Eclipse EE版本上托管了用Java编写的自己的Web服务。 Is there any easy way to export this webservice and getting it hosted elsewhere. 有什么简单的方法可以导出此Web服务并将其托管在其他地方。

I have been looking around for a solution but have not found the grail yet. 我一直在寻找解决方案,但还没有找到解决方案。

All help is appreciated 感谢所有帮助

I don't know what you have in mind when you think "export", but you're deploying a WAR file locally on Glassfish. 我不知道您在考虑“导出”时的想法,但是您正在在Glassfish上本地部署WAR文件。 That's the package you need to pick up and move to your hosting service. 这就是您需要拿起并移至托管服务的软件包。 They, in turn, have to accept WAR files and deploy on a Java EE app server. 反过来,他们必须接受WAR文件并部署在Java EE应用服务器上。

Your WAR file should be portable if it has everything your app needs. 如果您的WAR文件具有应用程序所需的所有内容,则应可移植。 Make clear what you need from the server (eg dependent JARs); 明确服务器的需求(例如,依赖的JAR); everything else should be in your WAR. 其他所有内容都应包含在您的战争中。

If you can adapt your solution to the limitations of the Google Application Engine, they will host it for free. 如果您可以使解决方案适应Google Application Engine的限制,则他们将免费托管它。

This strongly depends on how many Java EE features you use. 这在很大程度上取决于您使用了多少Java EE功能。

there any easy way to export this webservice and getting it hosted elsewhere. 有什么简单的方法可以导出此Web服务并将其托管在其他地方。

You just need to take war file and deploy it somewhere else you want 您只需要获取war文件并将其部署到您想要的其他位置

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