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[英]How do I return the column names of a LINQ entity

I am using LINQ to SQL queries to return data in my application. 我正在使用LINQ to SQL查询来返回我的应用程序中的数据。 However I find it is now needful for me to return the column Names. 但是我发现现在需要返回列Names。 Try as I might I have been completely unable to find out how to do this on the internet. 尽我所能我完全无法在互联网上找到如何做到这一点。

So if my LINQ entity table has the properties (Last_Name, First_name, Middle_Name) I need to return: 因此,如果我的LINQ实体表具有属性(Last_Name,First_name,Middle_Name),我需要返回:


rather than the usual 而不是通常的


Lets assume you're talking about the Contact Table in the assembly named YourAssembly in a Context called MyDataContext 让我们假设你在一个名为YourAssembly的Context中讨论名为MyDataContext的程序YourAssemblyContact Table

Using Reflection against a Table 对表使用反射

You can use reflection to get the properties like you would any type 您可以使用反射来获取类似于任何类型的属性

var properties = from property in Type.GetType("YourAssembly.Contact").GetProperties() select property.Name ; var属性=来自Type.GetType中的属性(“YourAssembly.Contact”)。GetProperties()select property.Name;

  foreach (var property in properties) Console.WriteLine(property); 

As shaunmartin notes this will return all properties not just Column Mapped ones. 正如shaunmartin所说,这将返回所有属性,而不仅仅是列映射的属性。 It should also be noted that this will return Public properties only. 还应注意,这将仅返回公共属性。 You'd need to include a BindingFlags value for the bindingAttr Parameter of GetProperties to get non-public properties 您需要为GetProperties的bindingAttr参数包含BindingFlags值以获取非公共属性

Using the Meta Model 使用元模型

You can use the Meta Model System.Data.Linq.Mapping to get the fields ( I added IsPersistant to only get the Column Mapped properties) 您可以使用Meta Model System.Data.Linq.Mapping来获取字段(我添加了IsPersistant以仅获取Column Mapped属性)

        AttributeMappingSource mappping = new System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AttributeMappingSource();
        var model = mappping.GetModel(typeof (MyDataContext));
        var table = model.GetTable(typeof (Contact));

        var qFields= from fields in table.RowType.DataMembers
                where fields.IsPersistent == true
                select fields;

        foreach (var field in qFields)

Using Reflection from a query result 使用查询结果中的反射

If on the other hand you wanted it from a query result you can still use reflection. 另一方面,如果您想从查询结果中获取它,您仍然可以使用反射。

        MyDataContextdc = new MyDataContext();
        Table<Contact> contacts = dc.GetTable<Contact>();
        var q = from c in contacts
                select new

        var columns = q.First();
        var properties = (from property in columns.GetType().GetProperties()
                        select property.Name).ToList();

You could certainly do it with some LINQ-To-Xml directly against the ".edmx" file or the embedded model resources in the compiled assembly. 您当然可以使用一些LINQ-To-Xml直接对“.edmx”文件或编译的程序集中的嵌入式模型资源执行此操作。

The below query gets the field (not column) names. 以下查询获取字段(而不是列)名称。 If you need the columns then just change the query to suit. 如果您需要列,则只需更改查询以适应。

var edmxNS = XNamespace.Get(@"http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/06/edmx");
var schemaNS = XNamespace.Get(@"http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm");

var xd = XDocument.Load(@"{path}\Model.edmx");

var fields =
    from e in xd
        .Elements(edmxNS + "Edmx")
        .Elements(edmxNS + "Runtime")
        .Elements(edmxNS + "ConceptualModels")
        .Elements(schemaNS + "Schema")
        .Elements(schemaNS + "EntityType")
    from p in e
        .Elements(schemaNS + "Property")
    select new
        Entity = e.Attribute("Name").Value,
        Member = p.Attribute("Name").Value,
        Type = p.Attribute("Type").Value,
        Nullable = bool.Parse(p.Attribute("Nullable").Value),

I stumbled upon this answer to solve my own problem and used Conrad Frix 's answer. 我偶然发现了这个答案来解决我自己的问题,并使用了康拉德弗里克斯的答案。 The question specified VB.NET though and that is what I program in. Here are Conrad's answers in VB.NET (they may not be a perfect translation, but they work): 这个问题指的是VB.NET,这就是我编程的内容。这里是Conrad在VB.NET中的答案(它们可能不是一个完美的翻译,但它们有效):

Example 1 例1

    Dim PropertyNames1 = From Prprt In Type.GetType("LocalDB.tlbMeter").GetProperties()
                         Select Prprt.Name

Example 2 例2

    Dim LocalDB2 As New LocalDBDataContext
    Dim bsmappping As New System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AttributeMappingSource()
    Dim bsmodel = bsmappping.GetModel(LocalDB2.GetType())
    Dim bstable = bsmodel.GetTable(LocalDB.tblMeters.GetType())

    Dim PropertyNames2 As IQueryable(Of String) = From fields In bstable.RowType.DataMembers
                                                  Where fields.IsPersistent = True
                                                  Select fields.Member.Name  'IsPersistant to only get the Column Mapped properties

Example 3 例3

    Dim LocalDB3 As New LocalDBDataContext
    Dim qMeters = From mtr In LocalDB3.tblMeters
                  Select mtr

    Dim FirstResult As tblMeter = qMeters.First()
    Dim PropertyNames3 As List(Of String) = From FN In FirstResult.GetType().GetProperties()
                                            Select FN.Name.ToList()

To display the results: 要显示结果:

    For Each FieldName In PropertyNames1

    For Each FieldName In PropertyNames2

    For Each FieldName In PropertyNames3

Please also read Conrad's answer for notes on each method! 另请阅读康拉德关于每种方法的说明的答案!

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