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[英]C# generic parameters

Let's say I have some generic interface IMyInterface<TParameter1, TParameter2> . 假设我有一些通用interface IMyInterface<TParameter1, TParameter2>

Now, if I'm writing another class, generic on it's parameter T : 现在,如果我正在编写另一个类,则它的参数T通用的:

CustomClass<T> where T : IMyInterface

how should this be done? 应该怎么做?

(current code won't compile, because IMyInterface is dependent on TParameter, TParameter2 ) . (当前代码不能编译,因为IMyInterface是依赖于TParameter, TParameter2 )。

I assume it should be done like: 我认为应该这样做:

CustomClass<T, TParameter1, TParameter2> where T: IMyInterface<TParameter1,

but I might be wrong, could you advice me please? 但是我可能是错的, 请您告诉我一下吗?

It's exactly as you have it, you need to specify the TParameter1 and TParameter2 generic arguments in a class which requires a generic constraint on IMyInterface : 这正是因为你拥有它,你需要指定TParameter1TParameter2在需要对通用约束的一类通用参数IMyInterface

public interface IMyInterface<TParameter1, TParameter2>

public class CustomClass<T, TParameter1, TParameter2> 
    where T : IMyInterface<TParameter1, TParameter2>


or you could have them fixed: 或者您可以修复它们:

public class CustomClass<T> 
    where T : IMyInterface<string, int>


Do you really want to use it as a constraint (with the 'where' keyword)? 您是否真的想将其用作约束(与“ where”关键字一起使用)? Here are some examples of straight implementation: 以下是一些直接实现的示例:

interface ITwoTypes<T1, T2>

class TwoTypes<T1, T2> : ITwoTypes<T1, T2>

Or, if you know the type(s) your class will use, you don't need a type parameter on the class: 或者,如果您知道您的类将使用的类型,则无需在类上使用类型参数:

class StringAndIntClass : ITwoTypes<int, string>

class StringAndSomething<T> : ITwoTypes<string, T>

If you are using the interface as a constraint and don't know the types to specify explicitly, then yes, you need to add the type parameters to the class declaration, as you supposed. 如果您使用接口作为约束并且不知道要显式指定的类型,那么可以,您需要按照预期的那样将类型参数添加到类声明中。

class SomethingAndSomethingElse<T, TSomething, TSomethingElse> where T : ITwoTypes<TSomething, TSomethingElse>

class StringAndSomething<T, TSomething> where T : ITwoTypes<string, TSomething>

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