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[英]Empty array with BinaryReader on UploadedFile in c#

Assume the following code: 假设以下代码:

Stream file = files[0].InputStream;

var FileLen = files[0].ContentLength;

var b = new BinaryReader(file);
var bytes = b.ReadBytes(FileLen);

If I upload a CSV file that is 10 records ( 257 bytes ), the BinaryReader fills the array of bytes with "0". 如果我上传一个10个记录(257字节)的CSV文件,BinaryReader将用“0”填充字节数组。

I also wrote a loop to step through the ReadByte Method of the BinaryReader and in the first iteration of the loop, I received the following exception: 我还写了一个循环来逐步执行BinaryReader的ReadByte方法,在循环的第一次迭代中,我收到了以下异常:

Unable to read beyond the end of the stream 无法读取超出流的末尾

When I increase the CSV file to 200 hundred records, everything worked just fine. 当我将CSV文件增加到200个记录时,一切正常。

The question is then, Why does this happen on smaller files, and is there a workaround that allows the Binary read of smaller files. 问题是,为什么这会发生在较小的文件上,并且有一种解决方法允许二进制读取较小的文件。


b.BaseStream.Position = 0;

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