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SQL,Analysis Services或Reporting Services

[英]SQL, Analysis Services OR Reporting Services

I have a requirement and I am not sure if I should use Analysis services or Reporting services or some other technique. 我有一个要求,我不确定是否应该使用Analysis服务或报告服务或其他一些技术。

My client wants to show special deals from a database on their online website. 我的客户希望在其在线网站上显示数据库中的特殊优惠。 They want to target users, ie if user is from UK; 他们希望定位用户,即用户来自英国; show deals for UK and in Pound. 显示英国和英镑的交易。 if user is from Canada; 如果用户来自加拿大; show deals for Canada and in canadian dollar etc. 显示加拿大和加拿大元等的交易

Their database has multiple tables loaded with 1 to 2 million records in each table. 他们的数据库有多个表,每个表中加载了1到2百万条记录。 Each table is for a different category of products and has a currency and a Country column to filter. 每个表用于不同类别的产品,并且具有要过滤的货币和国家/地区列。 I cannot restructure their schema as they have huge amount of development done to integrate with various buisness applications. 我无法重构他们的架构,因为他们已经进行了大量的开发以与各种商务应用程序集成。

I need a solution which involves datawarehouse, can fetch data quickly and cache it for next 12 or 24 hours (Do not want to cache on web server). 我需要一个涉及数据仓库的解决方案,可以快速获取数据并在接下来的12或24小时内缓存它(不想在Web服务器上缓存)。 I do not have much experience in Analysis and Reporting services so I need your solution/suggestion and anything you can share from your good or bad experiences. 我在分析和报告服务方面没有太多经验,因此我需要您的解决方案/建议以及您可以从您的好或坏经历中分享的任何内容。

Analysis services is not what you want here: you do not need cubes that summerize info. 分析服务不是您想要的:您不需要用于汇总信息的多维数据集。 Nor is reporting services: you will want to display your data in plain HTML. 报告服务也不是:您需要以纯HTML格式显示数据。

I would just query the existing data and display that data. 我只是查询现有数据并显示该数据。 If performance becomes an issue you could run an SSIS job every 12 hours to extract data to a specific database you created for this application. 如果性能成为问题,您可以每12小时运行一次SSIS作业,以将数据提取到您为此应用程序创建的特定数据库。 But consider tweaking your indexes first. 但请考虑先调整索引。

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