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[英]jqplot tooltip on bar chart

I'm using the jquery plugin jqplot for plotting some bar charts. 我正在使用jquery插件jqplot来绘制一些条形图。 on hover, I'd like to display the tick for the bar and its value on a tooltip. 在悬停时,我想在工具提示中显示栏的刻度及其值。 I've tried 我试过了

highlighter: { show: true, 
            showTooltip: true,      // show a tooltip with data point values.
            tooltipLocation: 'nw',  // location of tooltip: n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw.
            tooltipAxes: 'both',    // which axis values to display in the tooltip, x, y or both.
            lineWidthAdjust: 2.5   // pixels to add to the size line stroking the data point marker

but it doesn't work. 但它不起作用。 the bar visually gets lighter, and there's a small dot on the top (which would ideally go away--probably from line chart renderer stuff), but there is no tooltip anywhere. 酒吧视觉上变得更轻,顶部有一个小点(理想情况下会消失 - 可能来自折线图渲染器的东西),但在任何地方都没有工具提示。 Anyone know how I can do this? 谁知道我怎么做到这一点? I'll have lots of bars so the x-axis will be cluttered and kind of a mess if I show them down there only. 我会有很多条形,所以如果我只在那里显示它们,那么x轴将会变得杂乱无章。

I go through jqplot.highlighter.js and find an undocumented property: tooltipContentEditor . 我通过jqplot.highlighter.js找到一个未记录的属性: tooltipContentEditor I use it to customize the tooltip to display x-axis label. 我用它来定制工具提示以显示x轴标签。

Use something like this: 使用这样的东西:


function tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
    // display series_label, x-axis_tick, y-axis value
    return plot.series[seriesIndex]["label"] + ", " + plot.data[seriesIndex][pointIndex];

nevermind, I did a roundabout way to create my own tooltip via jquery. 没关系,我做了一个迂回的方式来通过jquery创建我自己的工具提示。

I left my highlighter settings as they were in my question (though you probably don't need the tooltip stuff). 我离开了我的荧光笔设置,因为它们在我的问题中(尽管你可能不需要工具提示的东西)。

In my js file after the bar chart is set up (after $.jqplot('chart', ... ) I set up an on mouse hover binding, as some of the examples showed. I modified it like this: 在我的js文件中设置了条形图之后(在$.jqplot('chart', ... )我设置了鼠标悬停绑定,正如一些示例所示。我修改它像这样:

        function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data ) {
            var mouseX = ev.pageX; //these are going to be how jquery knows where to put the div that will be our tooltip
            var mouseY = ev.pageY;
            $('#chartpseudotooltip').html(ticks_array[pointIndex] + ', ' + data[1]);
            var cssObj = {
                  'position' : 'absolute',
                  'font-weight' : 'bold',
                  'left' : mouseX + 'px', //usually needs more offset here
                  'top' : mouseY + 'px'

        function (ev) {

explanation: ticks_array is previously defined, containing the x axis tick strings. 解释: ticks_array先前已定义,包含x轴刻度字符串。 jqplot's data has the current data under your mouse as an [x-category-#, y-value] type array. jqplot的data将鼠标下的当前数据作为[x-category-#,y-value]类型数组。 pointIndex has the current highlighted bar #. pointIndex具有当前突出显示的条形#。 Basically we will use this to get the tick string. 基本上我们将使用它来获取刻度线。

Then I styled the tooltip so that it appears close to where the mouse cursor is. 然后我设置了工具提示的样式,使其显示在鼠标光标所在的位置附近。 You will probably need to subtract from mouseX and mouseY a bit if this div is in other positioned containers. 如果此div位于其他已定位的容器中,您可能需要从mouseXmouseY减去一点。

you can then style #chartpseudotooltip in your css. 然后你可以在你的CSS中设置#chartpseudotooltip样式。 If you want the default styles you can just add it to .jqplot-highlighter-tooltip in the the jqplot.css. 如果你想要默认样式,你可以将它添加到.jqplot-highlighter-tooltip

hope this is helpful to others! 希望这对别人有帮助!

I am using the version of the highlighter plugin on the following link: 我在以下链接上使用了荧光笔插件的版本:

https://github.com/tryolabs/jqplot-highlighter https://github.com/tryolabs/jqplot-highlighter

The parameters I am using: 我正在使用的参数:

highlighter: {
    tooltipLocation: 'n',
    tooltipAxes: 'pieref', // exclusive to this version
    tooltipAxisX: 20, // exclusive to this version
    tooltipAxisY: 20, // exclusive to this version
    useAxesFormatters: false,
    formatString:'%s, %P',

The new parameters ensure a fixed location where the tooltip will appear. 新参数可确保工具提示出现的固定位置。 I prefer to place it on the upper left corner to avoid problems with resizing the container div. 我更喜欢将它放在左上角,以避免调整容器div的大小。

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