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Jmock Mockery,模拟文件系统对象

[英]Jmock Mockery, mocking a file system object

I want to be able to mock the File object in java using Mockery. 我希望能够使用Mockery模拟Java中的File对象。 I seems like we may not be able to create an interface for the File in java. 我似乎无法在Java中为File创建接口。 Is this possible? 这可能吗?

EDIT: 编辑:

I need to test the indexDoc function in Indexer Class. 我需要测试Indexer类中的indexDoc函数。

public void testindexDocs()
  final File f = mockFile.mock(File.class);
  File file = new File("test");     
  final String[] files = {
  mockFile.checking(new Expectations(){
  //TODO test if list() how many time i have called
  //Document doc = HTMLDocument.Document(file); in function indexDocs  

Index Docs function in Indexer class Indexer类中的Index Docs函数

private static void indexDocs(File file) throws Exception{
  //Check for file to be a directory or file to be indexed look for html files and add to document      
    String[] files = file.list();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)    // recursively index them
      indexDocs(new File(file, files[i]));
  } else if(file.getPath().endsWith(".html") || file.getPath().endsWith("htm")){
    // Get the document from HTMLDocument class which takes care of stripping of HTML tag, get the path
    // of HTML file and title of HTML document.
    Document doc = HTMLDocument.Document(file);

    // TODO Get the book of HTML, it can be a part of HTML document class.   

Don't mock the file system. 不要嘲笑文件系统。 We tried to do this in the early days and it diverted us from using tests to guide the design. 我们在早期尝试这样做,这使我们无法使用测试来指导设计。

From a quick look at your code, there are two things going on, one is file navigation, the other is html stripping. 快速查看您的代码,有两件事正在进行,一是文件导航,二是html剥离。 Perhaps one option would be to introduce a html stripping object (passed in as a collaborator) and mock that, then write tests against examples in a real file system. 也许一种选择是引入html剥离对象(作为协作者传入)并对其进行模拟,然后针对实际文件系统中的示例编写测试。

Jmock can mock concrete classes. Jmock可以模拟具体的类。 Just do 做就是了

Mockery context = new Mockery();



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