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Drupal 6:无论坛索引页(高级论坛)

[英]Drupal 6: No forum index page (Advanced Forum)

I've got a strange senario/question for you. 我为您提出了一个奇怪的问题。

I'm running drupal 6 with advanced forum (although my problem doesn't go away if I just use the forum module that comes with drupal)! 我正在使用高级论坛运行drupal 6(尽管如果我仅使用drupal随附的论坛模块,我的问题就不会消失)! Everything has been fine and so I've left it untouched (not open to the public) for about a month while I've been sorting out legal work... 一切都很好,所以我一直在整理法律工作的时候,大约一个月都保持不变(不向公众开放)...

I came back to it a few days ago only to find 'http://mysite.com/forum' (I'm using clean URL's) does not exist! 我几天前回到它时才发现“ http://mysite.com/forum”(我使用的是干净的URL)不存在!

I've tried everything I can think of! 我已经尽力想了一切! Even silly things like 'http://mysite.com/forum s '. 甚至像“ http://mysite.com/forum s ”之类的愚蠢事物。 But it doesn't even appear to be there in Content Management > Content! 但它甚至在“内容管理”>“内容”中似乎都没有!

I can get to the individual posts and even the individual catergory/containers - I'm just missing the index page! 我可以查看各个帖子,甚至各个分类/容器-我只是缺少索引页面!

I've tried disabling and re enabling the advanced forum module, reseting it's settings and even clearing the site cache! 我尝试禁用并重新启用高级论坛模块,重置其设置,甚至清除网站缓存! Non of which made any difference! 没有一个有什么不同! I was going to try typing the node in, but I wasn't sure what it was!... 我本打算尝试输入该节点,但不确定是什么!...

Please help me as soon as possible! 请尽快帮助我!

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,

Andy 安迪

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Okay, just to clarify exactly what's happening and what I've done so far after 'ax's' wonderful assitants: Whats Happening is, I get Drupal's 404 Page Not Found message/page when trying to get to www.mysite.com/forum! 好的,只是为了弄清正在发生的事情以及到目前为止我在做“ ax's妙招”之后所做的事情: 发生的事情是,当尝试访问www.mysite.com/forum时,我收到了Drupal的404 Page Not Found消息/页面! The strange thing is though, by typing the URL of the individual sections/catergorys I can see them, and all the posts inside etc! 不过,奇怪的是,通过键入各个部分/类别的URL,我可以看到它们,以及其中的所有帖子等!

I have , been into sites/all/modules/advanced_forum/advanced_forum.module and look at the variables in the advanced_forum_page($tid=0) function. 已经进入站点/所有/模块/advanced_forum/advanced_forum.module,并查看了advanced_forum_page($tid=0)函数中的变量。 First, I just created a post/topic in the forum var_dump ing all the variables in the function! 首先,我刚刚在论坛var_dump创建了一个帖子/主题,其中包含了函数中的所有变量! They all returned NULL. 他们都返回NULL。 But then in the function, I one by one var_dump ed all the variables, after the line they were first used (in the function), I deleted the var_dump line for each variable after I refreshed the forum page, so there was only one var_dump in the function at once. 但是然后在函数中,我一个个地var_dump所有变量,在它们第一次使用(在函数中)的那一行之后,刷新了论坛页面后,我删除了每个变量的var_dump行,所以只有一个var_dump在功能中。 The strange thing was nothing appeared on the page, even when I tried `drupal_set_message(print_r($variable));! 奇怪的是,即使我尝试了`drupal_set_message(print_r($ variable));,页面上也没有任何显示!

So, I don't know and I just need it fixing asap please! 所以,我不知道,我只需要尽快修复它! ... Thanks in Advance ... 提前致谢

you can try two solution: 您可以尝试两种解决方案:

  1. Reinstall the module instead of deactivating and reactivating it (you will lose your current categorization, however it seems like your forum is empty right now). 重新安装该模块,而不是停用并重新激活它(您将丢失当前的分类,但是现在您的论坛似乎是空的)。
  2. Build a new installation to make some tests, enable the advanced forum module and take a look at the index page of the forum to see if it's replicable. 进行新安装以进行一些测试,启用高级论坛模块,并查看论坛的索引页以查看其是否可复制。

Take a look at the issue queue of the module too, maybe someone else had the same problem. 还要看看模块的发布队列 ,也许其他人也遇到了同样的问题。

Just figured out what was going on, and therefore was able to sort my problem out myself! 只是弄清楚发生了什么事,因此能够自己解决我的问题!

It was the most stupid thing as well. 这也是最愚蠢的事情。 For some reason, I had an empty folder called... you guessed, 'forum' in the root of my website and as soon as I deleted it, I saw my forum index for the first time in ages. 由于某种原因,我在网站的根目录中有一个名为...的空文件夹,您猜到了,“论坛”一经删除,便是我第一次看到论坛索引。

Obviously, Drupal was looking in the folder instead of using the module etc... (You Know...) 显然,Drupal是在文件夹中寻找而不是使用模块等...(您知道...)

Anyway, thanks for your attempts to help me - much appreciated! 无论如何,感谢您为我提供的帮助-非常感谢!

-- Andy -安迪

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