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[英]Unicode data from NSData to NSString

So if I have NSData from an HTTP request, then I do something like this: 因此,如果我有来自HTTP请求的NSData,则可以执行以下操作:

NSString *test = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

This will result in null if the data contains weird unicode data ( title is from reddit ): 如果数据包含奇怪的unicode数据( 标题来自reddit ),则将导致null:

{"title":"click..██me..and..then██________ ██check██_.your...██.__...██____ ██....██████████████....██____ ██████....██████....██████____ ██████████████████████____ ....██████████████████______ ........██..._recently....██________ ....██....viewed....links....██_____"},

How would I convert the data to a string? 我如何将数据转换为字符串? Ideally, it would best if the string wasn't null so I could parse it as JSON, but even a lossy conversion is fine with me in these cases. 理想情况下,最好是字符串不为null,这样我就可以将其解析为JSON,但在这种情况下,即使是有损转换也可以。

I'm not familiar with unicode (naive American I am), so any enlightenment about that would be a nice bonus :) 我不熟悉unicode(我是天真的美国人),所以对此的任何启发都会是一个不错的收获:)

If I copy and paste that text into a UTF-8 text file, read it with dataWithContentsOfURL: and convert it to a string with initWithData:encoding: , it works fine. 如果我将文本复制并粘贴到UTF-8文本文件中,请使用dataWithContentsOfURL:读取,然后使用initWithData:encoding:将其转换为字符串,即可正常工作。 The most likely explanation is that you are not getting valid UTF-8 data. 最可能的解释是您没有获得有效的UTF-8数据。

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