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[英]overload operator<< for class template

let's take this code to implement the operator<< for two classes: 让我们以这段代码为两个类实现operator <<:

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class A
    int a1_;
    A(int a1) : a1_(a1){}
    std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const
        return os << "a1_ : " << a1_ << endl;

class B
    int b1_;
    double b2_;
    B(int b1,double b2) : b1_(b1),b2_(b2){}
    std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const
        os << "b1_ : " << b1_ << endl;
        os << "b2_ : " << b2_ << endl;
        return os;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const A& in)
    return in.print(os);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const B& in)
    return in.print(os);

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    A myA(10);
    B myB(20,30.14);

    cout << myA << myB << endl;
    return 0;

Because I am lazy I'd like to provide a template version of operator<< instead of the two versions as above. 因为我很懒,所以我想提供operator <<的模板版本,而不是上面的两个版本。 I can do it easily replacing with: 我可以轻松地替换为:

template< class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const T& in)
    return in.print(os);

So far so good. 到现在为止还挺好。 If I have several classes I can implement the operator<< in one go. 如果我有几个类,则可以一次性实现operator <<。 The trouble start when one of my classes is a class template. 当我的一个班级是班级模板时,麻烦就开始了。 Let's take the previous example but with B class template: 让我们以前面的示例为例,但使用B类模板:

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class A
    int a1_;
    A(int a1) : a1_(a1){}
    std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const
        return os << "a1_ : " << a1_ << endl;

template <class T>
class B
    int b1_;
    T b2_;
    B(int b1,T b2) : b1_(b1),b2_(b2){}
    std::ostream& print(std::ostream& os) const
        os << "b1_ : " << b1_ << endl;
        os << "b2_ : " << b2_ << endl;
        return os;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const A& in)
    return in.print(os);

template <class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const B<T>& in)
    return in.print(os);

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    A myA(10);
    B<A> myB(20,myA);

    cout << myA << myB << endl;
    return 0;

This version works and I have the expected result, however I have provided two operator<< functions (one for each class), let's imagine that I have 200 classes that already implement a public ostream& print(ostream& os) const. 这个版本可以正常工作,并且达到了预期的效果,但是我提供了两个operator <<函数(每个类一个),让我们假设我有200个已经实现了公共ostream&print(ostream&os)const的类。 Some of them are template class (with also multiple parameters). 其中一些是模板类(还有多个参数)。

How can I write a template version of the operator<< in this scenario? 在这种情况下,如何编写operator <<的模板版本?

Thanks for you help. 谢谢你的帮助。

Same as above: 与上述相同:

template< class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const T& in)
    return in.print(os);

However, a "catch all" overload like that is a bit like dynamite fishing. 但是,像这样“全部捕获”的过载有点像炸药捕鱼。 You can constrain the range of the operator to all T's which define a suitable "print" member using SFINAE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitution_failure_is_not_an_error): 您可以使用SFINAE(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitution_failure_is_not_an_error)将运算符的范围限制为所有T,这些T定义了合适的“打印”成员。

template<int X, typename T>
struct enabler
    typedef T type;
template<class T>
typename enabler< sizeof(&T::print), std::ostream&>::type
operator << (std::ostream &o, const T &t)
    return o;

This effectively disables the operator<< when searching for a suitable overload, if T has no member print(std::ostream&) 如果T 没有成员print(std::ostream&) ,这将在搜索合适的重载时有效地禁用operator <<

This is, actually, what the Concepts were intended for. 实际上,这就是这些Concepts的目的。 You can emulate them with Boost.Concepts at the moment. 您现在可以使用Boost.Concepts模仿它们。

However, there is one issue with your solution: Argument Dependent Lookup. 但是,您的解决方案存在一个问题:参数依赖查找。

When you use an operator, it need be: 使用运算符时,需要:

  • either in the current scope (the search will radiate outward to consider more and more global scope) 在当前范围内(搜索将向外辐射以考虑越来越多的全球范围)
  • or in the namespace of one of the argument. 或参数之一的名称空间中。

However if you define your template overload, it cannot be present in the namespace of all those other classes. 但是,如果定义模板重载,则它不能出现在所有其他类的名称空间中。

I suggest cheating . 我建议作弊

If you wrap std::ostream& in a class of your own, you can then, in its namespace, provide all the operator overloads that you wish for: 如果将std::ostream&包装在自己的类中,则可以在其名称空间中提供所需的所有运算符重载:

namespace X {

struct MyStream
  MyStream(std::ostream& o): _o(o) {}
  std::ostream& _o;

template <typename T>
MyStream& operator<<(MyStream& s, T const& t)
  return s;

} // namespace X

You can then add opportunistic overloads for common types: 然后可以为常见类型添加机会重载:

inline MyStream& operator<<(MyStream& s, bool b)
  s._o << (b ? 'Y' : 'N');
  return s;

Without risking a clash with functions defined in std . 不用冒与std定义的函数发生冲突的风险。

Note that it trades reworking the class hierarchy (having a common PrintableInterface would be great too) vs reworking the calls. 请注意,与重新构造调用相比,它可以重新构造类层次结构(具有通用的PrintableInterface也很好)。 The latter can be done with a search and replace though. 后者可以通过搜索和替换来完成。

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