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[英]10 most recent rows from mySQL by time and define variables

I want to get the 10 most recent rows from a mysql database. 我想从mysql数据库中获取最近的10行。

How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

| id | value | ap | timestamp |

And define variables for value, ap, and timestamp... for each row! 为每行定义值,ap和时间戳的变量

like: 喜欢:

    $value1 = ?;
    $ap1 = ?;
    $timestamp1 = ?;

    $value2 = ?;
    $ap2 = ?;
    $timestamp2 = ?;

The simplest way is probably something like this: 最简单的方法可能是这样的:

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=<hostname>;port=<port>;dbname=<database name>', '<username>', '<password>');

$query = 'SELECT id, value, ap, `timestamp` '.
            'FROM <table> '.
            'ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC '.
            'LIMIT 10';

$resultset = $db->query($query);

$results = $resultset->fetchAll();

Then you will have a two-dimensional array with 10 sets of the values you want. 然后,您将拥有一个包含10组所需值的二维数组。 $results[0]['id'] , $results[0]['value'] , $results[0]['ap'] , and $results[0]['timestamp'] , up through $results[9]['id'] , etc. $results[0]['id']$results[0]['value']$results[0]['ap']$results[0]['timestamp'] ,直到$results[9]['id']

You can get the data like so.. 您可以像这样获取数据。

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `my_table` ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 10"); 

and you can use the results like so.. 您可以像这样使用结果。

while($results = mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
    echo $results->value; 
    echo $results->ap;
    echo $results->timestamp; 

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