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[英]Passing parameter to class property in Java

I have this property in a visual basic class. 我在视觉基础课程中拥有此属性。 NET 2008, the property in addition to the get and set has a parameter called "pParam. " NET 2008中,除了get和set属性外,该属性还有一个名为“ pParam”的参数。

Public Property UpdateField(ByVal pParam As String) As String
            Return Me.idField
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.idField = value
            If pParam = "NEW" Then
        // some code here
            End If
        End Set
End Property

which is the equivalent of this in java code? 在Java代码中这等效吗?

to use I do the following: 使用时,请执行以下操作:

oClass.UpdateField("NEW") = 1850

I have this code in java 我在java中有这段代码

public void setUpdateField(String idField) {
    this.idField = idField;
public String getUpdateField() {
    return idField;

but I need to put the parameter "pParam" 但我需要输入参数“ pParam”

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

What you've got in the .NET code is an indexer in C# terms. .NET代码中提供的内容是C#中的索引器 There's no equivalent in Java - you'll just need to take two parameters: Java没有等效功能-您只需要使用两个参数即可:

public void setUpdateField(String idField, String pParam) {

Frankly I think it's a little odd that the "getter" in .NET doesn't seem to use the index... 坦白地说,.NET中的“ getter”似乎没有使用索引有点奇怪。

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