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[英]How can I make a Wicket modal window un-draggable?

I am using a Wicket modal window in my application. 我在我的应用程序中使用Wicket模式窗口。 Is there any way to make it un-draggable? 有什么办法使它无法拖动? Any information will be very helpful to me. 任何信息对我都会非常有帮助。 Thank you. 谢谢。

Unfortunately, there is no support for this, at least out of the box. 不幸的是,对此至少没有开箱即用的支持。 It is possible to prevent the user from resizing the window, but draggability is not affected by that. 可以防止用户调整窗口的大小,但draggability不受这一点。

Full Javadoc for ModalWindow in version 1.4.7 is here . 1.4.7版中的ModalWindow完整Javadoc在这里

As explained by Lord Torgamus, the standard ModalWindow can not be made un-draggable. 正如Torgamus勋爵解释的那样,不能将标准ModalWindow设为不可拖动。

As an alternative, however, you could use the wiquery dialog . 但是,您也可以使用wiquery对话框作为替代。 It offers the same confiuration options as the JQuery UI Dialog . 它提供与JQuery UI对话框相同的配置选项。 Among other things, you can control draggability. 除其他外,您可以控制可拖动性。

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