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[英]JSF and f:ajax for hiding/showing div

I am thinking of making a hidable/showable menu on my web application. 我正在考虑在Web应用程序上制作一个隐藏/可显示的菜单。 Before this, I used PHP and AJAX extensively for this purpose. 在此之前,我为此目的广泛使用了PHP和AJAX。 However, since HTML element id is regenerated in JSF framework I found out that this method is no longer feasible at least in my scope. 但是,由于在JSF框架中重新生成了HTML元素ID,所以我发现这种方法至少在我的范围内不再可行。

I have read f:ajax tag in JSF and tried to implement it. 我已阅读JSF中的f:ajax标记并尝试实现它。 Apparently no luck for me. 显然我没有运气。 It looks so easy but I still could not find out what I did wrong. 看起来很简单,但我仍然找不到我做错了什么。

I have prepared a prototype to test the f-ajax tag functionality but no luck. 我已经准备好一个原型来测试f-ajax标签的功能,但是没有运气。 Here is the code 这是代码

   ` <h:body>
        <h:outputText value="Click A" />
        <f:ajax event="click" render="textA"/>
        <h:outputText value="Click B" />
        <f:ajax event="click" render="textB"/>
        <h:outputText value="Click C" />
        <f:ajax event="click" render="textC"/>

    <h:outputText id="textA" value="Click A" />
    <h:outputText id="textB" value="Click B" />
    <h:outputText id="textC" value="Click C" />

When I clicked the particular label, nothing happend. 当我单击特定标签时,什么也没发生。 The textA, textB and textC elements are already rendered in the first place. textA,textB和textC元素已首先呈现。 What did I do wrong guys? 我做错了什么人?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

However, since HTML element id is regenerated in JSF framework 但是,由于HTML元素ID是在JSF框架中重新生成的

If that is so important, just specify fixed id s yourself. 如果那很重要,只需自己指定固定id Each component has an id attribute for that. 每个组件都有一个id属性。 This way you should be able to use normal JS/jQuery frameworks whenever applicable. 这样,只要适用,您就应该能够使用普通的JS / jQuery框架。

As to the problem in the concrete question, here's a working example which should get you started. 关于具体问题中的问题,这是一个工作示例,应该使您入门。

    <f:ajax render="text">
        <h:commandLink value="Click A" action="#{bean.setShow('A')}" /><br/>
        <h:commandLink value="Click B" action="#{bean.setShow('B')}" /><br/>
        <h:commandLink value="Click C" action="#{bean.setShow('C')}" /><br/>

    <h:panelGroup id="text">
        <h:outputText value="Clicked A" rendered="#{bean.show == 'A'}" />
        <h:outputText value="Clicked B" rendered="#{bean.show == 'B'}" />
        <h:outputText value="Clicked C" rendered="#{bean.show == 'C'}" />

in combination with 与...结合

public class Bean {

    private String show;

    public String getShow() {
        return show;

    public void setShow(String show) {
        this.show = show;


reading your code I would first give some general suggestions: 阅读您的代码,我首先会提供一些一般性建议:

  • As far as I know ajax works on input elements but not on outputLabel . 据我所知,ajax适用于输入元素,但不适用于outputLabel Use h:commandLink or h:commandButton instead 请改用h:commandLink或h:commandButton
  • outputText should not be inside outputLabel . outputText不应位于outputLabel outputLabel is not necessary here 这里没有outputLabel
  • the outputText elements at the bottom are always shown unless you use the rendered attribute: <h:outputText id="textA" value="Click" rendered="false" /> . 除非您使用rendered属性,否则始终显示底部的outputText元素: <h:outputText id="textA" value="Click" rendered="false" /> You can use some EL-expression to make the rendered-attribute conditional. 您可以使用一些EL表达式来使呈现属性成为条件。

I think the best would be to start with the Java-EE-Tutorial to learn about the basic concepts of jsf. 我认为最好的方法是从Java-EE-Tutorial开始学习jsf的基本概念。

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