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[英]Spring from scratch - Bug on context:property-placeholder

I'm doing some test on a very, very simple application using Spring . 我正在使用Spring非常非常简单的应用程序上进行测试。

My app have only have one bean and I'm injecting a simple String to this class and printing this value. 我的应用程序只有一个bean ,我正在向该类注入一个简单的String并输出该值。 So far all working . 到目前为止,一切正常

What I need: 我需要的:

I want to get this String from a configuration file, so I create the file inside /src/main/resource 我想从配置文件中获取此字符串,所以我在/ src / main / resource中创建文件

What I did: 我做了什么:

1) On my application-context.xml I add: 1)在我的application-context.xml文件中添加:

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:myConfigFile.properties" />

2) On my application-context.xml I change from the simple String to use ${name_test}: 2)在我的application-context.xml中,我从简单的String更改为使用$ {name_test}:

<bean id="hello" class="com.dummy.SayHello">
    <property name="name" value="${name_test}" />

3) I double check myConfigFile.properties and contains the "name_test=JackTheRipper" 3)我仔细检查myConfigFile.properties并包含“ name_test = JackTheRipper”

4) But my output is not 'translating' the value from the config file, I have this output when I run my app: 4)但是我的输出没有“转换”配置文件中的值,当我运行我的应用程序时,我得到了以下输出:

Hello ${name_test}

And I'm stuck here, any clue, tips??? 我被困在这里,任何线索,提示???

Just FYI 仅供参考

  • I use THIS tutorial for my tests, maybe could help. 我将 教程用于测试,可能会有所帮助。
  • I add the log4j maven dependencies and log4j config file and all works fine! 我添加了log4j maven依赖项和log4j配置文件,并且一切正常! So Spring and log4j are finding the files inside "src/main/resource" 因此,Spring和log4j在“ src / main / resource”中找到文件
  • I'm using maven , and to run my app, I'm using: 我正在使用maven ,并且要运行我的应用,我正在使用:

    mvn clean compile exec:java mvn clean编译exec:java


The root cause was how I was getting the application-context.xml on my java class. 根本原因是我如何在java类上获取application-context.xml

I was doing: 我在做:

BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new ClassPathResource("application-context.xml"));

and then after this post I change it to: 然后在这篇文章之后,我将其更改为:

ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("application-context.xml");
  • A good place to understand and read is HERE 这里了解和阅读的好地方
  • Thanks all for the help! 谢谢大家的帮助!

The only problem I can imagine here is that you use BeanFactory instead of ApplicationContext . 我在这里可以想象的唯一问题是,您使用BeanFactory而不是ApplicationContext Compared to ApplicationContext , BeanFactory misses some advanced features including automatic registration of postprocessors, that is necessary for <context:property-placeholder> . ApplicationContext相比, BeanFactory缺少一些高级功能,包括<context:property-placeholder>必需的后处理器自动注册。

Just for curiosity sake, instead of using <context:property-placeholder> , can you try this? 只是出于好奇,而不是使用<context:property-placeholder> ,您可以尝试一下吗?

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="location">

If that doesn't work, try putting a * after classpath :- 如果这样不起作用,请尝试在classpathclasspath * :-

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:myConfigFile.properties" />

Your config is fine. 您的配置很好。 My guess is that your properties file cannot be found on the classpath. 我的猜测是,您的属性文件无法在类路径上找到。 Is there any Spring logging in regards to the configurer? 关于配置器,是否有任何Spring日志记录? Try running: 尝试运行:

mvn clean install exec:java

This will create an artifact (jar), which will bundle your src/main/resources content, while compile obviously just compiles the source files to class files. 这将创建一个工件(jar),该工件将捆绑您的src/main/resources内容,而编译显然只是将源文件编译为类文件。

I might try a test case too. 我也可以尝试一个测试用例。 Add spring test to your pom: 将pom测试添加到pom:

POM 聚甲醛

    <version>[YOUR SPRING VERSION]</version>

Test 测试

public class TestSayHello
   private SayHello hello;

   public void testSayHello()
      Assert.assertEquals("JackTheRipper", hello.getName());

The no id or name message is just a warning since your bean doesn't contain either. no id或name消息只是警告,因为您的bean不包含任何一个。 If your config file could not be found, you should a message stating so as well. 如果找不到您的配置文件,则也应该显示一条消息。

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