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使用多态的JAX-WS Web服务参数

[英]Using polymorphic JAX-WS webservice parameters

I have this simple JAX-WS WebService: 我有这个简单的JAX-WS WebService:

public class AnimalFeedingService {
    public void feed(@WebParam(name = "animal") Animal animal) {
        // Whatever

@XmlSeeAlso({ Dog.class, Cat.class })
public abstract class Animal {
    private double weight;
    private String name;
    // Also getters and setters

public class Dog extends Animal {}

public class Cat extends Animal {}

I create a client and call feed with an instance of Dog . 我创建一个客户端,并使用Dog实例调用feed

Animal myDog = new Dog();
myDog .setName("Rambo");
myDog .setWeight(15);

The animal in the body of the SOAP call looks like this: SOAP调用主体中的动物看起来像这样:


and I get an UnmarshallException because Animal is abstract. 我得到一个UnmarshallException因为Animal是抽象的。

Is there a way to have Rambo unmarshalled as an instance of class Dog ? 有没有办法将Rambo解组为Dog类的实例? What are my alternatives? 我有什么选择?

As you might have guessed, XML parser is not able to determine the exact subtype of animal you used when requesting because anything it sees is generic <animal> and a set of tags that are common to all types, hence the error. 您可能已经猜到了,XML解析器无法确定您在请求时使用的动物的确切子类型,因为它看到的所有内容都是通用的<animal>和所有类型都通用的一组标记,因此会出现错误。 What JAX-WS implementation do you use? 您使用哪种JAX-WS实现? It is the responsibility of the client to properly wrap polymorphic types when sending request. 发送请求时,客户端有责任正确包装多态类型。 In Apache CXF (I checked your code against newest 2.3.2 version) the SOAP request body looks like this: Apache CXF中 (我已针对最新的2.3.2版本检查了您的代码),SOAP请求主体如下所示:

<animal xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns2:dog">

The xsi:type="ns2:dog" is crucial here. xsi:type="ns2:dog"在这里至关重要。 It seems like your JAX-WS client is sending incorrect request that confuses the server. 看来您的JAX-WS客户端发送了不正确的请求,使服务器感到困惑。 Try sending this request with some other client, like SoapUI, to see whether your server reacts properly. 尝试与其他客户端(例如SoapUI)发送此请求,以查看服务器是否正常响应。

As I said, it works just fine with Spring/Apache CXF and exactly the same code you've provided, I only extracted Java interface to make CXF happy: 就像我说的那样,它在Spring / Apache CXF以及与您提供的代码完全相同的情况下都可以正常工作,我只提取了Java接口以使CXF满意:

public interface AnimalFeedingService {

    void feed(@WebParam(name = "animal") Animal animal);


public class AnimalFeedingServiceImpl implements AnimalFeedingService {
    public void feed(@WebParam(name = "animal") Animal animal) {
        // Whatever

...and the server/client glue code: ...以及服务器/客户端粘合代码:

<jaxws:endpoint implementor="#animalFeedingService" address="/animal"/>

<jaxws:client id="animalFeedingServiceClient"

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