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Biztalk 2010 X12 EDI各方

[英]Biztalk 2010 X12 EDI Parties

I am trying to convert some BizTalk 2006 R2 helper code to BizTalk 2010 and I am running into a peculiar issue. 我试图将一些BizTalk 2006 R2帮助程序代码转换为BizTalk 2010,但遇到了一个奇怪的问题。 I am trying to unit test a method that had a breaking API change from 2006 R2 -> 2010 and I keep getting the following exception when I try to access the batches of the party: 我正在尝试对从2006 R2-> 2010起API发生重大更改的方法进行单元测试,当我尝试访问该方的批次时,我一直收到以下异常:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'edi_PartnerBatchScheduleSelect'.

Code: 码:

public void GetPartyBatchStatusTest()

public bool GetPartyBatchStatus(string PartyName)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PartyName))
        // Throw Exception
        throw new System.ArgumentException("Parameter PartyName cannot be null or empty in the GetPartyBatchStatus method.", "PartyName");

    bool RetVal = false;

    Partner objPartner = new Partner(PartyName);

    if (objPartner.PartyId != -1)
        foreach (IPartnerBatch batch in objPartner.Batches.Batches)
            RetVal = batch.BatchingActivated;

    return RetVal;

For this test case, I have set up a Party1 and a Party2 and started a batch between them. 对于此测试用例,我设置了一个Party1和Party2并开始了它们之间的批处理。

The Party model (aka Trading Partner Management) in BizTalk 2010 has changed considerably from previous versions. BizTalk 2010中的参与方模型(又名贸易伙伴管理)与以前的版本相比已发生了很大变化。 Because of this, Microsoft includes a Party Migration Tool as a part of the BizTalk 2010 installer (see here ). 因此,Microsoft在BizTalk 2010安装程序的一部分中包含了一个Party Migration Tool(请参阅此处 )。

I'm sorry to say this, but if you had code that interacted with the BizTalk SQL artifacts directly, then there is very little chance that it will work now, since the entire model has changed. 对此我很抱歉,但是如果您有直接与BizTalk SQL工件进行交互的代码,则由于整个模型已更改,因此现在几乎没有机会运行。 Without seeing what the DSSIBizTalkHelper actually does, though, it's tough to know that for sure. 但是,如果DSSIBizTalkHelper实际功能,就很难确定这一点。

That being said, one of the better-documented BizTalk 2010 features is doing X12 EDI. 话虽这么说,BizTalk 2010文档中记录更好的功能之一就是执行X12 EDI。 Though it will be difficult without prior BizTalk experience, you may want to check out this walkthrough for Sending Batched X12 EDI Interchanges in BizTalk. 尽管没有BizTalk的先前经验将很困难,但是您可能需要查看本演练,以了解如何在BizTalk中发送批量X12 EDI交换。 They have several other helpful walkthroughs there as well, around the same topic. 关于相同的主题,他们还有其他一些有用的演练

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