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在C#中更改SQL Server存储过程

[英]Change SQL Server stored procedure in C#

I want to add a new column in an existing stored procedure using C# and save it back to the SQL Server. 我想使用C#在现有存储过程中添加一个新列,并将其保存回SQL Server。

eg I have this SP: 我有这个SP:

  CREATE TABLE #tbl1(a int, b int)

     a, b
  FROM #tbl1

Now I want to automatically add a new column eg xx type TEXT, so the output is 现在我想自动添加一个新列,例如xx类型TEXT,因此输出为


    CREATE TABLE #tbl1
    (a int, b int, xx TEXT)

     a, b, xx
    FROM #tbl1

Does anyone know how to do that? 有谁知道这是怎么做到的吗?

Thanks 谢谢

When you've defined your database object and a stored procedure object you can create the sp right from managed code: 定义数据库对象和存储过程对象后,可以从托管代码创建sp权限:

StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure(myDB, "NameOfSproc");

//add some parameters
StoredProcedureParameter p;
p = new StoredProcedureParameter(sp, "@MyID", Int);

//add the parameters to the sproc
sp.TextBody = "SELECT blah FROM MyTable WHERE ID=@myID";

Hopefully, that is incomplete example code. 希望这是不完整的示例代码。 Your SP will return an empty resultset. 您的SP将返回一个空结果集。

To answer a underlying question: How do I execute a DDL statement, I suggest this answer. 回答一个基本问题:我如何执行DDL语句,我建议这个答案。

  • Create your SQL script as a String. 将您的SQL脚本创建为String。
  • Create a SqlConnection to your database and open it. 创建一个SqlConnection到您的数据库并打开它。
  • Create an SqlCommand object. 创建一个SqlCommand对象。 Set its Text property to your script string. 将其Text属性设置为脚本字符串。 Set its Connection property to your SqlConnection object. 将其Connection属性设置为SqlConnection对象。
  • Call the ExecuteNonQuery() method on your SqlCommand object. 在SqlCommand对象上调用ExecuteNonQuery()方法。

It's just like running a query, except executing a create/alter script returns no results. 它就像运行查询一样,除了执行create / alter脚本没有返回任何结果。

Note per JonH: nothing was mentioned about using command parameters or stored procedure parameters, so I didn't address either of them. 注意每个JonH:没有提到使用命令参数或存储过程参数,所以我没有解决它们中的任何一个。 This was a short-and-simple method to alter a stored procedure - that is, run an SQL script to do so - from C#. 这是一个简短的方法来改变存储过程 - 也就是说,运行一个SQL脚本来实现这一点 - 来自C#。

Your script string can be constructed using any method you choose. 您可以使用您选择的任何方法构建脚本字符串。 If you are talking about dynamically parsing a stored procedure from a database, reassembling it with altered parts, then resubmitting it, you should probably revise the way you asked your question. 如果您正在讨论从数据库动态解析存储过程,使用更改的部分重新组装它,然后重新提交它,您可能应该修改您提出问题的方式。 You would have to know the structure of your script; 您必须知道脚本的结构; there's no general way to "insert a column in unspecified places in some existing SP". 没有一般方法“在某些现有SP中的未指定位置插入列”。

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