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[英]C#: assigning text and value to combobox member

I think i knew how to do this once upon a time but I can't figure it out right now. 我想我曾经知道该怎么做,但是我现在无法弄清楚。 I'm trying to assign a list item in a combo box that has an associated value. 我正在尝试在具有关联值的组合框中分配一个列表项。 Reason being is because i am populating it with a list of names from a database but I want it to store the primary key as a value so that I can call it directly in a subsequent query. 原因是因为我正在用数据库中的名称列表填充它,但是我希望它将主键存储为值,以便可以在后续查询中直接调用它。 For example, you select a name from a list of supervisors which will store the primary key for that supervisor in a variable for use in an event that will list all employees that have that key assigned to them as a supervisor. 例如,您从主管列表中选择一个名称,该名称将该主管的主键存储在变量中,以便在事件中使用,该事件将列出分配有该键的所有雇员作为主管。 That make sense? 有道理? Pretty standard. 很标准。 Here's what I have that is loading just the text portion of the names in: 这就是我只加载名称的文本部分的内容:

The query: 查询:

static string sql = "select rtrim(elname),rtrim(efname) from employee where pos_id = 2";

The code that populates the list: 填充列表的代码:

                //determine how many records affected/returned              
                int records = dbAdapter.Fill(results); //fills the datatable with results and returns the number of records

                if (records > 0)
                    //do something with the results (stored in the datatable)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in results.Rows)
                        cboSupervisor.Items.Add(dr[0] + ", " + dr[1]);

                    cboSupervisor.Sorted = true;
            catch { }

This fills the dropdown with lastname, firstname 这会将姓氏填入下拉列表中

The best way is create a class containing the information you want to display and the one you want to keep, then specialize ToString(): 最好的方法是创建一个包含要显示的信息和要保留的信息的类,然后专门设置ToString():

    public class ComboItem : object
        protected String    name;
        protected int   id;

        public ComboItem(String name, int id)
            this.name= name;

            this.id = id;

        public override string ToString()
            return name;


Could you use a ComboBoxItem, use the Content Property to set the name, and use the Tag Property to set the Value? 您能否使用ComboBoxItem,使用Content属性设置名称以及使用Tag属性设置值? Then add the ComboBoxItem to your ComboBox's Items collection? 然后将ComboBoxItem添加到ComboBox的Items集合中?

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