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安装崩溃。 SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

[英]Installation crashes. SQL Server 2008 r2 Express

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2008 R2 express on my fresh win 7 ultimate x64 install. 我正在尝试在全新的Win 7 Ultimate x64安装上安装SQL Server 2008 R2 Express。 Every time the installation starts, it crashes with the following message: 每次安装开始时,它都会崩溃并显示以下消息:


Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: setup100.exe
Application Version: 10.50.1600.1
Application Timestamp: 4bb6742c
Fault Module Name: mscorwks.dll
Fault Module Version: 2.0.50727.4952
Fault Module Timestamp: 4bebe78c
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00000000001e41a0
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

Did anyone had similar problem? 有人遇到过类似的问题吗? how did you solve? 你怎么解决的?

So here are some ideas to try if they help. 因此,这里有一些可以帮助的想法。 First, I assume that you're installing the 64bit version of SQL Express? 首先,我假设您正在安装SQL Express的64位版本? Also, the faulting module is a .NET component, so maybe try repairing .NET 2.0? 另外,故障模块是.NET组件,因此也许尝试修复.NET 2.0? Finally, I'm not sure this would work, but as a last-ditch effort, you could reboot to safe mode and try the installation from there. 最后,我不确定这是否行得通,但是作为最后的努力,您可以重新启动到安全模式并从那里尝试安装。 I know these are just shots-in-the-dark, but if 300 billion web pages don't have the answer, then maybe some random tests might get lucky. 我知道这些只是黑暗中的一击,但是如果3000亿个网页没有答案,那么也许可以进行一些随机测试。

In my experience SQL express installs tend to crash (well over the past 5 years anyway) when you install direct from the web. 以我的经验,当您直接从Web进行安装时,SQL Express安装往往会崩溃(无论如何在过去的5年中)。 I would allways recommend downloading the complete install package, then runing it from a local folder. 我总是建议下载完整的安装包,然后从本地文件夹运行它。 Everytime the direct web install has crashed for me (probably around a dozen time now accross various versions), downloading the full install and then running it locally has lead to a clean install. 每次直接Web安装对我来说都崩溃了(各种版本现在大概打了十几次),下载完整安装然后在本地运行会带来全新安装。

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