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适用于Bonita Open Solution 5.4的JBoss,Tomcat或Glassfish?

[英]JBoss, Tomcat or Glassfish for Bonita Open Solution 5.4?

I'm currently trying to implement BOS 5.4 in one of my projects. 我目前正在尝试在我的一个项目中实施BOS 5.4。 Unfortunately I'm quite new with Java-based applications. 不幸的是,我对基于Java的应用程序还很陌生。

It is my understanding that you could implement BOS 5.4 either in JBoss, Glassfish or Apache Tomcat. 据我了解,您可以在JBoss,Glassfish或Apache Tomcat中实现BOS 5.4。 There are a lot of documentation available online but I cannot determine which one to use. 在线上有很多文档,但是我无法确定要使用哪个文档。 What is the recommended setup for a BOS installation? BOS安装的推荐设置是什么?

Here's the setup that we are planning: 这是我们正在计划的设置:
Bonita Open Solution 5.4 Bonita开放式解决方案5.4
CAS for user authentication 用于用户身份验证的CAS
MySQL for database MySQL数据库
Integration with Liferay Portal 与Liferay Portal集成

I think you can use any server (which you counted), but if version of server does not matter for you, you can download JBoss 5.1 or Tomcat 6.0.29 with already installed BOS: 我认为您可以使用任何服务器(已计算在内),但是如果服务器的版本对您而言并不重要,则可以下载已安装BOS的JBoss 5.1或Tomcat 6.0.29:

Download BPM software and documentation page, go to the Bundles item. 下载BPM软件和文档页面,转到Bundles项目。

using bundles can save you time for installation (I don't know how easy it is, never did), as well as you won't deal with conflicts (eg if current release does not work well with JBoss 6 because of its newer Hibernate or something else). 使用捆绑软件可以节省您的安装时间(我不知道它有多容易,从来没有做过),并且您也不会处理冲突(例如,由于最新版本的Hibernate而导致当前版本不适用于JBoss 6)或者是其他东西)。 Well, as I wrote, if server version does not matter, then go with bundle (imho). 好吧,正如我所写的那样,如果服务器版本无关紧要,则请使用捆绑软件(imho)。 If your project already uses any server, then you could try to setup BOS there... 如果您的项目已经使用任何服务器,那么您可以尝试在此处设置BOS ...

One more issue: if you don't need application container (like JBoss), then go with Tomcat, it is lightweight web server, it will be booted faster and needs less resources. 另一个问题:如果您不需要应用程序容器(如JBoss),则使用Tomcat,它是轻量级的Web服务器,它的启动速度更快,所需资源更少。 If Tomcat is not enough for you, then JBoss is your choice. 如果Tomcat对您来说还不够,那么JBoss是您的选择。 At least from what you wrote, I don't see anything that demands JBoss... 至少从您写的内容来看,我看不到任何需要JBoss的东西。

GlassFish Server offers built-in high availability, command line and GUI management interfaces (no XML editing), with commercial support available - or you can use the open source builds. GlassFish Server提供内置的高可用性,命令行和GUI管理界面(不进行XML编辑),并提供商业支持-您也可以使用开源版本。 It is also very well documented: 它也很好的记录:

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/glassfish/documentation/index.html http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/glassfish/documentation/index.html

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