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正则表达式字符串以不能在 Javascript 中工作结束

[英]Regex string ends with not working in Javascript

I am not very familiar with regex.我对正则表达式不是很熟悉。 I was trying to test if a string ends with another string.我试图测试一个字符串是否以另一个字符串结尾。 The code below returns null when I was expecting true.当我期望为真时,下面的代码返回 null。 What's wrong with the code?代码有什么问题?

var id = "John";
var exists  ="blahJohn".match(/id$/);

Well, with this approach, you would need to use the RegExp constructor , to build a regular expression using your id variable:好吧,使用这种方法,您需要使用RegExp构造函数,使用您的id变量构建正则表达式:

var id = "John";
var exists = new RegExp(id+"$").test("blahJohn");

But there are plenty ways to achieve that, for example, you can take the last id.length characters of the string, and compare it with id :但是有很多方法可以实现这一点,例如,您可以获取字符串的最后一个id.length字符,并将其与id进行比较:

var id = "John";
var exist = "blahJohn".slice(-id.length) == id; // true

You would need to use a RegExp() object to do that, not a literal:您需要使用RegExp()对象来执行此操作,而不是文字:

var id = "John",
    reg = new RegExp(id+"$");

alert( reg.test("blahJon") );

That is, if you do not know the value you are testing for ahead of runtime.也就是说,如果您在运行前不知道要测试的值。 Otherwise you could do:否则你可以这样做:

alert( /John$/.test("blahJohn") );

I like @lonesomeday 's solution, but Im fan of extending the String.prototype in these scenarios.我喜欢@lonesomeday 的解决方案,但我喜欢在这些场景中扩展 String.prototype。 Here's my adaptation of his solution这是我对他的解决方案的改编

String.prototype.endsWith = function (needle) {
     return needle === this.substr(0 - needle.length);

So can be checked with所以可以检查

if(myStr.endsWith("test")) // Do awesome things here. 


var id = "John";

(new RegExp(`${id}$`)).test('blahJohn');  // true
(new RegExp(`${id}$`)).test('blahJohna'); // false

`${id}$` is a JavaScript Template strings which will be compiled to 'John$'. `${id}$` 是一个 JavaScript 模板字符串,将被编译为 'John$'。

The $ after John in RegExp stands for end of string so the tested string must not have anything after id value (ie John) in order to pass the test. RegExp 中 John 之后的$代表字符串结尾,因此被测试的字符串必须在 id 值(即 John)之后没有任何内容才能通过测试。

new RegExp(`${id}$`) - will compile it to /John$/ (so if id shouldn't be dynamic you can use just /John$/ instead of new RegExp(`${id}$`) ) new RegExp(`${id}$`) - 将其编译为/John$/ (所以如果 id 不应该是动态的,你可以只使用 /John$/ 而不是 new RegExp(`${id}$`) )

Try this -尝试这个 -

var reg = "/" + id + "$/";
var exists  ="blahJohn".match(reg);

The nicer way to do this is to use RegExp.test :更好的方法是使用RegExp.test

(new RegExp(id + '$')).test('blahJohn'); // true
(new RegExp(id + '$')).test('blahJohnblah'); // false

Even nicer would be to build a simple function like this:更好的是构建一个像这样的简单函数:

function strEndsWith (haystack, needle) {
    return needle === haystack.substr(0 - needle.length);

strEndsWith('blahJohn', id); // true
strEndsWith('blahJohnblah', id); // false

If you need it for replace function, consider this regExp:如果您需要它来替换功能,请考虑以下 regExp:

var eventStr = "Hello% World%";

eventStr = eventStr.replace(/[\%]$/, "").replace(/^[\%]/, ""); // replace eds with, and also start with %.

//output: eventStr = "Hello% World"; //输出:eventStr = "Hello% World";

var id = new RegExp("John");
var exists  ="blahJohn".match(id);

try this尝试这个

Why using RegExp?为什么使用正则表达式? Its expensive.它的价格昂贵。

function EndsWith( givenStr, subst )
var ln = givenStr.length;
var idx = ln-subst.length;
return ( giventStr.subst(idx)==subst );

Much easier and cost-effective, is it?更容易和更具成本效益,是吗?

2022, ECMA 11 2022 年,ECMA 11

Just created this helper function, I find it more useful and clean than modifying the regex and recreating one everytime.刚刚创建了这个辅助函数,我发现它比修改正则表达式并每次都重新创建一个更有用和更干净。

 * @param {string} str 
 * @param {RegExp} search 
 * @returns {boolean}
function regexEndsWith (str, search, {caseSensitive = true} = {})
    var source = search.source
    if (!source.endsWith('$')) source = source + '$'
    var flags = search.flags
    if (!caseSensitive && !flags.includes('i')) flags += 'i'
    var reg = new RegExp(source, flags)
    return reg.test(str)

Use it this way:以这种方式使用它:

regexEndsWith('can you Fi    nD me?', /fi.*nd me?/, {caseSensitive: false})

Here is a string prototype function that utilizes regex.这是一个使用正则表达式的字符串原型函数。 You can use it to check if any string object ends with a particular string value:您可以使用它来检查是否有任何字符串对象以特定的字符串值结尾:

Prototype function:原型功能:

String.prototype.endsWith = function (endString) {
    if(this && this.length) {
        result = new RegExp(endString + '$').test(this);
        return result;
    return false;

Example Usage:示例用法:

var s1 = "My String";
s1.endsWith("ring"); // returns true;
s1.endsWith("deez"); //returns false;

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