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带有MonoTouch的XCode 4 Interface Builder

[英]XCode 4 Interface Builder with MonoTouch

It seems impossible to create outlets and actions when running the now integrated Interface Builder in XCode 4, using MonoDevelop 2.4.2 and MonoTouch trial. 使用MonoDevelop 2.4.2和MonoTouch试用版在XCode 4中运行现在集成的Interface Builder时,似乎无法创建出口和操作。 Doesn´t it work with XCode 4? 它不适用于XCode 4吗?

This has been asked before . 以前曾经问过这个问题 Also xcode 4 is pre-release software so it is under NDA - none of the Monotouch guys can say anything about the inner-goings on with the program + integration with Monodevelop. 此外,xcode 4是预发布软件,所以它在NDA下 - Monotouch的所有人都无法通过程序+与Monodevelop的集成来说明内容。

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