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[英]rails-3, new comment form from a polymorphic association, accepts form submission but doesn't display submited data

I have a polymorphic comment model and on the show.html.erb for the posts_controller,i have a link 'add comments', where you can click to comment on a post. 我有一个多态评论模型,在posts_controller的show.html.erb上,我有一个“添加评论”链接,您可以在其中单击以评论评论。 When you click the link, the 'new comment form' comes up but when you submit the form, the comment doesn't display or show up anywhere in the app.Here is the gist with some view files and controllers: https://gist.github.com/828400 and here is the model, schema.rb and log file: https://gist.github.com/828447 , thanks. 当您点击链接时,会出现``新评论表单'',但是当您提交表单时,评论不会在应用程序中的任何位置显示或显示。以下是要点,其中包含一些视图文件和控制器: https:// gist.github.com/828400 ,这是模型,schema.rb和日志文件: https : //gist.github.com/828447 ,谢谢。

If you look at app/views/comments/_form.html.erb you'll notice that it builds a form using 如果查看app / views / comments / _form.html.erb,您会注意到它使用

[@post, Comment.new]

This means that it works correctly when you create a comment directly from a PostsController view as @post is set correctly. 这意味着当您直接从PostsController视图创建注释时,因为@post设置正确,它可以正常工作。 This means that the form builder sets the form's action to /posts/5/comments (where the 5 is taken from @post.id), thus setting the post_id param which the CommentsController looks for in CommentsController#get_parent. 这意味着表单构建器将表单的操作设置为/ posts / 5 / comments (其中5来自@ post.id),从而设置了CommentController在CommentsController#get_parent中查找的post_id参数。

However, when you click on 'Add a comment' or 'Add a reply' you are in the CommentsController, which sets a variable called @parent. 但是,当您单击“添加评论”或“添加回复”时,您将在CommentsController中,该控件将设置一个名为@parent的变量。 That means that the form builder sets the form's action to /comments (since @post is nil), which means when you submit the form both the post_id and comment_id params are nil. 这意味着表单构建器将表单的操作设置为/ comments (因为@post为nil),这意味着当您提交表单时,post_id和comment_id参数均为nil。

What this means that it reaches this line in CommentsController#get_parent: 这意味着它到达CommentsController#get_parent中的这一行:

redirect_to root_path unless defined?(@parent)

which means that your form contents are silently discarded. 这意味着您的表单内容将被静默丢弃。

The easiest way to get the forms to work correctly is to make the following changes: 使表格正常工作的最简单方法是进行以下更改:


def show
-    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
+    @parent = @post = Post.find(params[:id])

#app/views/comments/_form.html.erb b/app/views/comments/_form.html.erb


As you'll see, it means that the form looks for the @parent object (instead of @post), which then gets set by PostsController & CommentsController. 如您所见,这意味着表单将查找@parent对象(而不是@post),然后由PostsController和CommentsController对其进行设置。

As an aside, you could consider making the following changes to tighten up your code: 顺便说一句,您可以考虑进行以下更改以加强代码:

-  redirect_to root_path unless defined?(@parent)
+  redirect_to root_path unless @parent

If @parent is not defined it will return nil, which is considered false. 如果未定义@parent,它将返回nil,这被视为false。

-  return @post if defined?(@post)
-  @post = commentable.is_a?(Post) ? commentable : commentable.post
+  @post ||= commentable.is_a?(Post) ? commentable : commentable.post

Also, you call Comment.new in your views. 此外,您在视图中调用Comment.new。 Generally, initializing object should be done in a controller, and views should be limited to presentation logic. 通常,初始化对象应在控制器中完成,并且视图应限于表示逻辑。

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